To Caitta, if you're reading this:

Cat chaaaaaan!!!!!

we miss you!

But don't worry! i'm doing the best i can at doing your job! so far, no one has died yet!


I mean, yes, today Lina face-planted into her rice today. and kinda started choking. but she's fine now!

And yes, today Eva laughed so hard she turned purple. but she is also fine

Everyone's fine! although today i realized your job is hard!!! DX

So... yeah! we all miss youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!! did Luna and Lina send you those videos we took at Manga Club???? if so, please disregard everything i said and did, i was kinda hyper, i'm embarrased about it now ^^;

hope you're having fun in Colorado!!!! My friends's a snowboarder!! i feel so cool!! lol

Miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come home soon!

