
hello peoples!!! ^^ sorry i havn't been posting in a while, i've just been pretty lazy.

Lets reveiw whats going on in my life, shall we???

  • I went to my grandparents for New Years Eve and we all had a big party at my aunt/uncle's house down the block from them (these are not the ones that live across the street from me. These live pretty far away.)
  • Since we were also celebrating a late Christmas there, i got presents from everyone. I got a Hetalia shirt,(!!!!) iTunes gift card, and D.Gray-Man vol. 15 (my fav one ^^) from my grandparents, a Coach(!!) bag from my aunt and uncle, and pretty pink and white Aeropostale pajamas from my other aunt/uncle.
  • I started school again on Tuesday >.< it was soooooo hard to get out of bed, i love sleeping in... *sigh*
  • i drew an actually OK piece of art
  • using my iTunes card, i bought about 7 songs in 10 minutes, leaving me with $5.00 on my acount when i started with $15.00.
  • Even though school JUST STARTED, i am already behind (big surprise.)

    Yep... thats about it... OH! if you're wondering why the title of this post is "Library" it's becuase i'm at the library with Kyan, Caitta, Lina, Luna, and Eva, writing this from one of the computers :)
