
OK so this post is purely for ranting. if you don't like ranting, i suggest you go away to another world/post.

All rite so anyways on Saturday my friend Caitta came over. We were in the living room and we saw this sheet of paper on the floor. We gave it a closer look and realized it was a giant pull out coloring sheet from a past issue of American Girl magazine.(if you live in another country, you might have never heard of that. But then again, maybe you do. I mean, America is "one country controlled by the media" as Green Day once said. But, i mean, i don't know any magizines in like, Britain or any other countries. So do you? Gah this is confusing! I'm just going to asume you've heard of it. If you havn't, it's just a girl's magazine, mainly for ages around the 8/9 range.) Anyways, so we decided to color it in. While we were doing that,we discovered a lot of serious flaws. Here is a list:

  • All of the people (they were all girls- American "Girl" magizine?) had short hair. Seriously! There was no diversity whatsoever! As a girl with long hair, i have to say i take that as an insult.
  • All of the girls were the sterotypical "perfect" girls. Like, none of them had braces or glasses or anything like that. Oh, now that i look at it there's one girl with glasses, but she's in the very back. And they made her look all ugly.
  • No one had any teeth. Like not even the little lines inside their mouths. Nothing.
  • All the fingers were really fat and pointy, and they were all the same length.
  • There were no fingernails.
  • There were lot's of butterflies flying around in the picture. Which is fine and all. I mean, i like butterflies as much as the next guy. But THESE butterflies had SMILEY FACES on them. And the patterns on their wings were hearts and flowers. That's not how butterflies look!!!!
  • in the picture, there's a truck with all these melons piled in the back (the whole picture was fruit themed, maybe to get girls to eat healthier or whatever.) But the person driving the truck was a girl like 9 years old!! 9!!!! 9 year olds don't drive trucks!! that's how people die!!
  • There wasn't any sense of proportion. like there were some girls having a picnic under an orange tree. The oranges on the trees were as big as the girls' heads!!
  • All the eyes were super small and creepy looking.
  • All the ears were really small, they were just tiny curved lines coming out of their heads.
  • the clouds looked ridiculous, just a bunch of squiggley lines.
    And finally:

  • they drew a dog, but not a cat. i know. it was awful. Me and Caitta, of course, were infuriated. To solve the problem, Caitta crossed out the dog and drew a cat on top of it, with the cat saying "i am superior" hehehehe

    That is the end of my rant against stupid little girl magazines. There are actually many more flaws, but you're probably all bored to death listening to this kk bye!!
