Stabbing (with a pencil) ^^

Today, during last period (Social Studies,) it was the last few minutes of class and everyone was walking around talking. our teacher was out of the room. i got out of my seat to go tell a friend something,and when i came back,one of the kids who call themselves "gangstas" (AKA: rude idiot, at least in my school) was sitting at my desk. this is what happened:

me: um, this is actually my seat.
RI(rude idiot): oh. can i sit here?
me: no
RI: too bad *starts talking to his friend*
(now, keep in mind that i've had a pretty terrible, long day, and all i want to do is go home.)
me: *grabs my newly-sharpened pencil and rams it into RI's shoulder.*
RI: OW!!!!!!!
me: move
RI: no!
me: move
me: MOVE
RI: FINE!! *moves away, rubbing his shoulder*

yay!!! unless i'm around my friends i'm a pretty quiet person most of the time, so this was a big thing for me. ^^ GO ME!!
