i give up, happiness iz not in tha card 4 me...

*lookz around 4 luna (sakura) and continuez.*

i need 2 get my a job asap!!1 imma have a itachi moment in my house and kill my family except my youngest brother (O_O then he would b sasuke... lol *shrugz*) my mom haz be bytchin 4 tha last week 4 nothin, my prick of a 17 yr old brothah deleted ALL my music (i produce rap beatz) i been workin on, AND im workin in my house like a damn indentured slave, like i have 2 EARN my keep or sumthin. >_<
...all on tha eve of my 'heart' commin back. she wantz me 2 move 2 houston wit here, but she stayin wit her g-ma and she aint flyin 4 me 2 stay wit them... 2 visit, but not live. and since i dont have tha money, i cant go nowhere.!!!!!!!

i jus wanna AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna b violent, but im fightin tha urge 2 fight random people cuz that wont change tha situation at hand *slumpz and sigh* thiz iz BS and i have 2 shove it..... thiz suckz major *sigh*

*walkz away into tha shadowz*
