Fuck ALL Holidays

so waz it such a surprise wen i post on mother'z day???
im havin a major itachi moment rite now... you kno kill every1 that iz directly connected 2 me except my youngest brother..yea thatz wat im on...
i got in2 a gigantic fight wit my "mother" thiz morning cuz i told her i thought that today waz a pointless holiday. she didnt take that 2 well...

see i waz talkin 2 houston like 2 weekz ago, i waz talkin tellin her that all theze holidayz suck azz major especially wen itz suppose 2 b family oriented holidays. my family on both my step-father's and my "mother's" side are extra fucked up. on my step father side hiz family iz all wealth and fake actin like they all bettah than every1 else. then on my "mom" side they all problem prone and have sumthin wrong wit them and arguementive. so since every holiday that evah mattah 2 me iz now fucked, i say fuck them ll...even my birthday.ill celebrate my b-day on tha only holiday that still mattah... new years. that only meanz sumthin cuz it showz that sum prick havent figured out yet how tha world waz gonna end by puttin it in2 action there"plan"

so, christmas, thanksgiving, halloween, st. pat'z day, cinco de mayo, valentine'z day, all of them can go die in a fiery blaze 4 all i care. they nevah made me happi, only made me realize that thiz world iz shytty beyond fuckin belief and it took till mother'z day 4 that 2 b realized.

PLUZ, i waz suppose 2 b a father, but because of my "mom" and houston'z father, she waz forced 2 get an abortion so u think that im gonna celebrate a holiday that showz thankz 2 mother'z wen my so call "mom" fucked that up 4 me and Houston, i dont think so...happi mother's day, bitch...

*walkz away cooly*
~Anger iz tha fuel of a corrupted Society~
