Hell on Tha Horizon.......

*fyre in eyez*

i knew it!!! i knew it waznt gonna last long...

tha semi-happi, all about town Styer that u all grow 2 love... i killed him last nite...>:D

My "MOM" iz tha reason 4 tha worldz demise by my handz... she iz tha most, hateful, spiteful, vengeful, cynic, hypocritical person i evah think existed!!!
how can i grow az a young man AND a person if i have sum1 moniterin my every movement and bein judgemental. at 1st i thought cuz im tha oldest she havin trouble lettin my fly from tha nest... but she throwz wrenches into my planz PURPOSELY and then critic me and throw it in my face how im not so successful...THEN wen i have 2 clean everyday(cuz it seem imma indentured slave) she cynicly, walkz around, lookin 4 faultz so she can say sumthin, but dont do that wit my brotha. fuckin bints!!!>_<

my platinum PS2 came up broke wen i left 1 dai and no 1 knowz wat happened 2 it. i payed 4 that out my pocketz and ALL tha gamez by myself and then wen i went 2 her and told her wat happened, she acted like she didnt care, but she yelled at me 4 unfoldin 1 of hiz shirtz >_< WTF!!!!!!!

so get a good look at tha pic in my intro, u might see that on world news tonite...and im so not playin...

p.s. my friendz jus got webcams and said that i can use them wen im ovah there so i mite make a world or a youtube thingy and jus rant bout stuffz so look 4 that 2 ^_^


*disappearz into tha shadowz*
