I am Styer.
Thiz iz my world.
i live here alone.
people enter and leave different.
you been warned

and it burnz, burnz, burnz...

ello myu otaku groupiez...feelin kinda lazy so imma give yall tha quik recap of why i havent posted all week...

past weekened my apartment building caught fir( not mine, some1 in tha buildin) which fucked mine up cuz i was close by. NAO tha smoke damage was SOOOO bad that i wasnt able to live there no more so they had to move me. they also said i couldnt go i there to get my shyt. i came back 1 hour after tha fire to go get my shyt (wen they just said not to) and i found that alot of my shit was fucked and stolen. they stole my toliet paper (like seriously wtf?!?!) my ipod (T^T) and a bunch of other misc. shyt. i also found my ps2 didnt work no longer (TTTTT^^^TTTTT) anywho, last week was finalz and i passed them and i been smelling like ive been hickory smoked ever since... how haz yall life been?

i also found my next victim. itz this idot named will in my class and he is a prick for no damn reason. imma kill him... (<<<1st time i used one of those lol) april (formerly known as 'A') needz 2 just die of stupidity. you have no job yet you cant study....HOW THA HELL YOU GET A 15% ON A TEST THAT IS 85 QUESTIONZ???? (her grade average for tha class is 18%) and i been kinda sick and angry (what else is new huh?) kinda shit that makez me think tha cold in chicago aint so bad no more, atleast i still mite have my TP there...comment NAO!!!

where does depression hurts??? everywhere

ello my otaku groupiez

i just thought of that iratating commercial becuz im depressed unfortunately. it seems that im a ceterpiece for dram. its like no matter how hard i try 2 avoid it, it still comez back.

i JUST found out 2day that these females that i use to affiliate myself with was now on sum other shyt. 1 the only reason she kicked it wit me was because she just knew that she was going to fuck me. nao, in most instances i wouldve been kewl wit that because itz almost like hey, you want me that bad kinda thing but its just everythin we went thru i thought we was better than that. like im sum type of whore or sumthin (stfu brandon) THEN the other 1, (tha 1st 1z best friend) liked me too except she wanted me to stop fuckin wit all females includin Houston and that just wasnt goin to happen. she was mentally unstable, but i liked her becuz she all around kewl people, plus she was a gurl that watched sportz and knew wat she was talkin bout ^_^. THEN Houston didnt want me fuckin wit neither of these "whore" becuz she felt they was on sum other shyt (no shyt rite???) and we was fightin becuz i was defendin them from her and that pissed her off cuz she felt i should sided with her.

but wait, this is tha kicker...

wen i left to come to houston,tx 1 & 2 decided that they was gonna come clean with each other as far as how they felt towardz me (prior to that neither 1 knew bout tha other) and that started a long drawn out thing as far as that goes. NAO im left in tha middle and have to choose sides and "convey" my feelingz for them. i dont wanna say that i dont have feelings for them becuz in some way shape or form (not love of coarse -_-*) i do.... for a various of reason. wtf am i left to do?!?! in this point in time i even doubt taking tha "nevah see 2morrow pill" would even work cuz then #2 would probably try 2 follow suit to be with me.

p.s. 1 & 2 was makin planz to move to houston, tx...despite Houston O_O im fucked, stuck, and shit outta luck. comment NAO!!!

*run into the shadowz*

love is for suckers...and i want my money back

sup my otaku groupiez???

i dunno bout the title, i just think that it applies to life...and is kinda funni. im at skool now, being bored out of my flippin mind. its funni how i was sittin at home bored and NAO im at skool doin that same thing. i honestly dont think that tha world im living in is challeging enuff. i cant be self motivated to be the best forevah, that shyt getz weak after awhile. i have no rivalz cuz no one is adequete enuff TO be my rivial. i think that tha more i think about it, the more i make myself sick... like im psyhically am not feeling well and for sum strange fucking reason i keep smelling fuckin PEPPER (yes, the seasoning) in a fuckin computer lab!!!!

on a lighter note, i got meh spray paint and im happi bout that. i went out saturday nite and nao everythin ovah by meh house iz neon red n silver ( i like how they look in tha dark ^_^) i also got samurai warriors 2 empires and that fuckin game is addictive O_O itz hard as fuck wen you first start playin, but as you get the hang of it, you just wanna take over shit (or maybe itz just me...??) as soon as i get meh sum money, i will be goin to get Persona 4 cuz it fust look flippin kewl. (STFU brandon, i kno u got sumthin 2 say)

eh, i guess thatz it, random dumb question of the day:
if you could kill someone, with anything, and not get caught, who would it be and with what?

Styer'z answer: Soulja Boy with a metal bat
(^_^ that thought just makez me happi lol)

back to being a criminal....>_>

so NOW that i been down here in houston for 4 monthz now, i have a pretty good landscape of the city now (atleast where i stay at) and i found the biggest hookup in the world... $2 spray paint!!! i almost had a supah orgasm when i found that i out. so now im back in black and in tha streetz!!!!

i need to develop a cure for stupid...

yeah my otaku groupiez itz time for another infamous Styer rant...

is stupid contagious? i hope not because some of these folkz in Houston are REALLY idiotz. know i kno ( like i said in tha previous post) that it varies from region but i doubt ANYONE could actually be thiz dumb. now im in med. skool and the shit that is talked about is fuckin mind boggling. take this one women in my class... her name will be disclosed later but we are just gonna call her 'A'. 'A' is the most critical person in the world and she alwayz is on tha verge of some1 fuckin her up. this girl in my class is from NO wen katrina hit and she was talkin bout how bad it rele was, 'A' was say all kinda shit that wasnt even relevent ( again med skool, this topic TOTALLY irrelevent) THEN she was sayin things that was down rite insultin like "i think that the people in NO was stupid and they deserve to die. they shouldve got out and drove away. well needless to say, the girl damn near was kickin tha hell out of her insidez...from the inside...but this is the kicker, she is as smart as a wet match, lit in a dark cave, underwater!!!(yes a spongebob reverence, i just thought this was funni) on a final we took it was 65 questionz and she got 43 wrong. you do tha math. she doesnt have a job so she cant blame it on that nor any kidz, ANYONE care 2 explain???

THEN itz this other women named jen. she is pregnant and becuz of that she feelz as if she dont need to do NUTHIN!!! she is PAYING for skool, yet doing SHIT!!! now that is her personal business, but her husband goes to tha skool 2. now he is completely useless and big for no reason, soft as a melted marshmellow and jen be bitchin him!!! somethin is mental wrong with jen, God bless her soul (yea i said sumthin nice) but the shit she be sayin is like supah crazy like she still live with her husband'z ex... and he still doin this and that and i just think that thatz crazy in itself. people become exes for a reason wheather itz your fault or not, but to still LIVE wit that person, come on now...

in other newz, i just found out that this other girl in my class wasnt as much as a bitch as i thought, she actually is pretty kewl. i guess wen she on your team and bein a bitch to sum1 else then it makes a whole lot of difference lol.

i kno that this isnt my typical rant like normal and it seemz more like gossip but the real reason im postin this is to get yallz opinion. answer me this:

1: if 'A' continuously say shit 2 u, what would you do?

2: would you live with you ex and you have another relationship or would you allow it?

thatz bout the end, ill be back layter to add to tha more stupid shit of tha world

*disappearz into tha shadowz*