new year and the past year

Well i this past few days i have talk about a lot of things now.but i wish for good new year now too and its time to close the book on this year and past and war and hate to name few now that i hope is gone for the new year now.I this time i want to talk about ppls that hang on to the past like i do some times now and then but we all need let go of the past for the new year and to happy and at peace with each other now and well going into the new year with love is a good idea now just do that we r good now just wishing here now u know like this about love(love is crazy! its like history and a book at one for all us but at one end at it is life for some of us. Love is like sickes for some people and other times its hurts them good and deep too and they never love not all. Its the story for all of us now and its in history and time too my friends!)this the story of it now for me this year in 09 and its was a crazy year for theo and the chat too but in the end its all good now bye for now
