the wonder of the internet

Is anyone else in wonder of the internet. It might be just because i live in an isolated town but i find myself in constant awe of its widespreading influence. I will give you and example. like i mentioned before i am also a writer on which has an cool little feature that breaks down the number of readers of your story per country. I checked it the other day and my stories have been read in 49 countries. i was shocked. in countries that i will never have the pleasure of visiting someone i will never have the opertunity to know has sat down and read my work.

Take for instant the country of lebonon. I have hits from there but i know nothing about the country, its people, what its like to live there. Yet someone from that country likes the same anime that i do. likes my ideas enough to read my work and maybe even has sent me a comment about it. makes you feel that maybe the world is not so large as we think and that maybe we are not all so different after all. corny but thats my take on it.
