Training With Ino

You know what I noticed?.....I have alot of error in my typing.... And sometine I noticed that I post them without editing it first.... So I promise from now on I shall read what I'm going to post TWICE before I post it.... *nods* Well um.... here you go!!! ^.^;

When Ayame got home there were two notes on her door. One was from Naruto and the other from Ino.

I stopped by on my way to training to see you, but you were out. Meet me at Ichiraku’s(sp?) Ramen shop around 7pm. I’ll pay for dinner. (They have the BEST Ramen!) See you there!

If you’re not busy come on down and train with us! I’ll sent Shikamaru over to walk you there around 7:30am.
P.S. I saw Naruto asked you out for dinner. Are you dating him? Give me all the details!”

“Well, it’s not like she gave me much of a choice....” she sighed.

After getting her gear together she sat in her small kitchen area to wait for Shikamaru. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. She opened the door.

“Hey.” Shikamaru greeted.

“Hey Shikamaru-kun! Let’s go!”

“Show me what you’ve got Ayame!” Asuma said.

“Alright! Be prepared for my special jutsu!”

She did three hand signs while building chakara in her mouth. She pulled out a whistle and blew. The shrill sound sliced threw the air into Asuma’s ears causing Asuma’s body to freeze up.

“What the?! I can’t move!” Asuma exclaimed.

“I would hope so or else my jutsu would not have worked! I created this jutsu so I could escape from enemies. Sometimes I’d use it to escape a lesson. Kabuto taught me how to change my chakara so if I touch someone the muscle will become paralyzed. I changed it so I send all the chakara to my mouth and send it out threw sound waves into your ears. If I used it to it’s full strength you would have blacked out. It'll wear off soon.”

“Why didn’t it affect anyone else?”

Shikamaru pulled a pair of earplugs out of his ears.

“I thought it would be funny to see how you reacted to this jutsu, so I gave everyone a pair.” Shikamaru said.

“Very funny..... As soon as I can move, how ‘bout I work with Choji next?”

“Ok!” The overweight nin said placing his bag of chips to the side.

Ayame sat down on a large rock next to Ino and thought about Rai.

“He seemed so nice....” she thought, “I wonder what his face looks like.”

“So, Ayame? What’s up?”

“Well..... I met this guy ok? His name is Rai and he’s an Anbu Black Op. I think I really like him.”

“Ooooo! Is he cute?”

“I don’t know..... He was wearing a mask, but he seemed really nice and he’s only a year older than me.”

“This is exciting! Wait! What about Naruto? I thought you two had a thing!”

“Me and Naruto? No way! We’re just friends. I think he just feels obligated to watch out for me, since he found me and I told him where Sasuke is.”

After the training session was over Ino told Ayame she would walk to the ramen shop with her.

“Tomorrow you have to train with us again!” Ino exclaimed grasping Ayame’s hands.

“Well, I-”

“I’ll come by tomorrow around 7:30 to walk you there.” She said letting go of Ayame’s hands, “Well, I’ll see you then! Bye!”

With a wave and a large grin the bleach blonde girl was off leaving Ayame alone at the shop. She sat down on a stool and waited for Naruto.
