Enter Rai!

Here's Rai:


Early the next morning before the sun rose Ayame climbed up the highest tree in the Leaf Village located near the gate. She climbed up fairly high and sat on a branch, leaning against the trunk. Ayame wanted to watch the sun rise over the trees, but ended up nodding off.

Suddenly she felt someone shaking her.

“Hey! Hattori-san!”???? said.

“Hnnn??” She muttered opening her eyes to see a person with a white and red tiger mask. He had strands of light brown hair hanging over the mask and was dressed in a grey uniform.

Before she could scream or react in anyway the guy covered her mouth with one hand and with his other held his pointer finger in front of the mouth area of his mask

“Shhh....I’m not going to hurt you. I’m a member of the Anbu Black Ops.” he whispered.

He removed his hand from her mouth.


He put his hand back over her mouth muffling the rest of her words.

“Please lower your voice. Ok?”

She nodded.

“Alright. I’m going to remove my hand and I want you to whisper. Ok?”

She nodded again. He removed his hand.

“What are you doing?” She demanded in a whisper.

“As you may or may not know, Lady Tsunade asked us to watch you. Well, we saw you leave your house this morning and followed you. After you climbed the tree we decided it wasn’t the best place for you to be. You shouldn’t hang out around the gate, especially when it’s still dark. Anyways, when you fell asleep I was elected to wake you up and tell you to got home.”

“A slightly peeved Ayame nodded and said, “....Fine. I’ll go home. You Abu guys are sooo annoying....”

“Hey, we’re protecting you from Orochimaru. You should be grateful!”

“Protecting me? I’ll thank you once you actually save me!”

She shifted her weight to one side causing herself to become unbalanced. She fell from the branch she was precariously perched on. She screamed. The Anbu jumped into action catching her.

“I think some thanks are in order.” he teased setting her down.


“By the way, I’m Rai Kabau, if you ever need me or you just want to talk, call out my name. I have the morning shift so, anywhere between sunrise and sunset I’ll be there.”


“We should go Hattori-san.”

“Ok. Oh, and stop calling me Hattori-san. Call me Ayame.”

“If you insist Ayame-san.”

“......It’s a start...”

“Do you have something wrong with the honorfic san or something?”

“I feel it’s too formal. If you’re going to be with me all this time then you need to be less formal.”


“That’s better!”

He laughed.

“I should take you home now.”

“I guess.....”

They started towards Ayame’s apartment.

“So, Rai-kun...how old are you?”


“I’m 15.”

“I know.”

She gave him a questioning look.

“I read your file.”

“Oh....What else do you know?”

He laughed again.

"I only know what Lady Tsunade wanted us to know."
A few minutes later they arrived at Ayame’s apartment.



“From now on whenever you go out you should have someone with you. If you need someone and cannot find anyone ask for one of us, we’ll go with you.”


“We’re watching you, but if someone were to get right next to you to attack, then we wouldn’t be able to react fast enough, since we are suppost to be hidden. If you have for example, Naruto with you, he could react instantly.”

“Oh... Ok....”

More later.
