The Mediocrity of Ace O'Turney


In the Criminal Justice System, the people are entertained by two separate, yet equally important parody types; ones like that which you are about to witness, and the dumb kind of fanfiction that exists with every fandom and only serves to make this kind of stuff look better by comparison. This. Is Sparta.

" you may ask yourselves," continued Ace O'Turney, Ace Attorney and frequent subject of my fanfictions, "what does this have to do with anything? I'll tell you. Nothing. It doesn't make sense! Why am I talking about Chewbacca when a man's freedom is on the line? Here, look at the monkey!" Ace produced a small hand puppet resembling a simian. "LOOK AT THE SILLY MONKEY!"

A Juror's head exploded.

"And so in conclusion," said Ace, "my client is innocent! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit - OW MY FACE."

"Tut, tut, Mr. O'Turney," chided Prosecutor Sangome Wilder, who had just a second ago whipped him across the face and also will never live down that last name, "irrelevant gibberish won't fly here. You're forgetting that I know the ins and outs of every internet meme ever made."

"Wait, she just whipped me across the face! Are you going to penalize her or something?"

Judge Beth Sunfall glanced in amusement at Ace. "Your fault for failing, Failboy."

"Well can you at least take the whip away?"

"ಠ_ಠ," said Sangome.


Author's note: Told you it was bizarre.

"And what was that?!" ranted Ace, "Know what I hate? When authors self-insert so blatantly that even the characters can see it."

Know what I hate? When you keep breaking the fourth wall as if you want me to write you out and deny your very existence because I can do that.

"Understood," muttered Ace, sitting back down.

"Anyway," said Judge Beth, "Let's just have a recess and see if the jury can reach a verdict here."


"We the jury find the defendant guilty, based on the simple matter of Chewbacca not actually living on Endor, but instead perpetually travelling with Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon."

"Crap," said Ace, "Why didn't that point ever get raised when Johnny Cochran used the Chewbacca Defense?"

"Thanks a lot," growled Koon, being led off in chains.

Ace glanced at his watch. "Oh, crud. Better get to that costume party!"

"Quite right," agreed Judge Beth, "Court is adjourned, and anyone else attending Mayor Adam Left's costume party tonight may carpool with me."