OHC Christmas (SSS) Chero

“Dino, should we open each other’s gifts now?” Chero asked, a grin stretching across her face as she looked down at him. Dino stretched his arms over his head and sat up, turning on his spot on the rug and laying a kiss on Chero’s cheek.

“I think we should,” Dino murmured. Chero colored slightly. She still did, after all this time. He reached past her and passed her his gift to her, then took hers and settled back.

“On three?” she asked, her fingers poised by the folds in the wrapping paper. Dino nodded.

“One,” he said, his mouth turning up at the corners.


“THREE!” they both said at the same time, tearing into the wrapping paper. Chero beat him, staring into the velvet jewellery box.

“Dino...” she began. Dino stopped short of opening his box. “This is beautiful.”

Dino grinned. “It’s for your locket. I thought it was perfect.”


“What?” Dino asked. Chero looked up at him sadly.

“Open your present,” she muttered, looking away. Dino raised his eyebrows, and then opened his box. He stared at the thick silver armband inside, meant for a watch.

“I sold my locket... to get you an armband for your watch.”

Dino looked up at her in disbelief. “I sold my watch to get you the chain for your locket.”

Tears welled in Chero’s eyes. “So, you have no use for my present?” she squeaked. “You don’t... you don’t like-”

Knock, knock!

The two jumped in surprise, and then stood and went to the door. They opened it on Mocha, who blinked at them both with long-lashed eyelids. Her hair was curled, her lips were covered in deep red lipstick, and the skirt of a ball gown was visible under her long overcoat. Her heels looked like something that Chero would break her neck wearing.

“You two are idiots,” she stated, leaving no room for debate.

“Mocha! Where did you-”

“Don’t ask me where I’ve been,” she sighed, holding her closed fist out in the space between them. Dino put his hand out, and she dropped two small objects into it. Dino’s watch and Chero’s locket, to be precise. “Now, then,” she said, stuffing her hand back in her pocket, “the next time either of you need a loan, you come to me, understand?”

Dino and Chero didn’t say yes, didn’t nod, they just hugged her.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” they cried.

“You’re very welcome,” Mocha replied, hugging them briefly back. “Now put me down.” The heels clicked went they met the doorstep again. Mocha brushed herself off, smiled, and turned and left. “Merry Christmas,” she said, walking in an unhurried way to the end of the sidewalk. Dino and Chero went inside and looked at each other.

“What do you think she was...” Chero began to ask.

“I don’t think we’ll ever know,” Dino replied, and then opened Chero’s locket.

Inside, where before there had been nothing, was a picture of Dino on one side, and a picture of Chero on the other. Dino closed the locket and squinted at the back. “Never lose sight of what’s important, hmm?” he asked, and grinned. He strung the locket on the chain and attached the clasp at the base of Chero’s neck. The locket settled at its rightful place on her collarbone. Chero attached the watch to the armband and put it on Dino’s wrist, right where it should be.

“Merry Christmas, Chero,” Dino said.

“Merry Christmas,” Chero replied. She then stood on her toes and kissed Dino. And it was a very merry Christmas, indeed.

* * *

“Maybe you should have been Santa this year,” stated a black-haired ninja with a smirk when Mocha passed him. The girl smiled, turned, and gave the ninja a pat on the tummy.

“I’m not fat, though,” she replied. Sasuke went to slap her hand away, but she’d already turned around and continued on her way.

“Can I run her over?” Sasuke asked Ichigo. The sleigh had already been given back. There was, however, a car, in which sat Chi, Kira, Luna and Gin, who’d all been aware of Dino and Chero’s situation, and all wanted to see how it turned out, and help where they could. It turned out that they weren’t needed this time around.

“No,” Ichigo replied.

“Just a little bump?”


“I won’t even break too many bones-”

“NO!” Ichigo practically shouted.

“Boys,” Kira called, opening her window a crack. “Get in the damn car.”

“Now,” Luna added, peeking over Kira’s shoulder.

“Please?” was Chi’s contribution.

The red-head and the ninja huffed irately, got into the car, and started their drive home.


My goodness, that got long. Merry Christmas to all! I hope you enjoyed this gift, Chero!
