Character Ranking - Gundam Wing Ladies

I've not done a character ranking for a while but for this one I'm strictly doing the Gundam Wing ladies, this sort of came up as an idea while composing the next Walk of Fame article on Relena Peacecraft; there will be eight to go through so lets begin.

Mariemaia: Let's start with the character that may as well be a filler villain. Considering how a Gundam series treats everyone, Mariemaia got off lightly with just a gunshot, honestly she didn't need to be in the show and her role could've easily been filled by Dekim.

Hilde: Gundam Wing's balanced casting allowed the male characters to play off a female character tailored to them, Duo got Hilde, an Oz soldier turned artist, her lack of official art makes her almost invisible, not helped by the fact she looks like a much younger Noin, her only crowning achievement failing a being a spy.

Sally: Playing off the misogynist Wufei was Sally, a UESA officer turned rebel, she would later become a useful ally in keeping the Gundam pilots in check as well as knocking some much needed sense into Wufei. She's one of the most grounded characters among a cast of extraordinary people.

Catherine: Matching with Trowa is Catherine, a circus knife thrower, she has no military or diplomatic powers or even part of a faction, her only role is playing a big sister figure to Trowa, a role she does really well.

Dorothy: Strangely matching with Quatre, Dorothy was made to keep tabs on Relena but actively joined the conflict herself with White Fang. I don't really follow her philosophy and she plays off as a fanfic character.

Noin: Generally well respected as a leader but subjected to some torrid luck, Noin took the mentor role for Relena instead as well as the only one who could even get close to Zechs.

Une: My favourite character, a hard no nonsense woman who carried out very successful operations for Treize but would later go through a literal split personality when Treize criticised her attempt to force the Gundams to surrender. Lady Une went through the most complete arc, getting better written development than even the lead characters, she's quite a woman.

Relena: Probably the most divisive female character ever written in the Gundam franchise until Lacus Clyne. Relena starts off as the rich daughter of a noted politician but later discovers her heritage as the lost princess of Romefeller, a journey triggered by a meetup with Heero Yuy by pure accident. Depending who you ask she's one of three things. 1. She had a habit of causing the series plot to stop progressing just to hear her opinion on things.
2. She wasn't exactly liked personality wise often not reading the situations she was in and acting out of character frequently.
3. She always managed to force her way into the plot making her more of a Mary Sue type.
There is a 4th reason but that's irrelevant, ask a yaoi fangirl for that reason.

Mariemaia Khushrenada - 4.0/10
Hilde Schbeiker - 6.5/10
Sally Po - 8.0/10
Catherine Bloom - 8.4/10
Dorothy Catalonia - 7.2/10
Lucrezia Noin - 7.8/10
Lady Une - 9.7/10
Relena Peacecraft - 5.9/10
