Otaku Insight: Return of Unintentionally Funny Lines of Dialogue

Welcome back to one of my favourite features. Enjoy!

"My Pain is far greater than yours!" - Naruto Sub
Looking at that face I'm inclined to believe him.

"Even Electronic Brain Pancake Crystal Elderly" - Ghost in the Shell Sub
I'm intrigued to know how the subtitle writers got to that conclusion.

"I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish" - Code Geass Sub
A classic line from Anime past

"What was that? It sounded like a Homo being strangled!" - Fushigi Yuugi Sub
Is that the same as a dying giraffe?

"The density of this boner makes it as hard as steel" - Naruto Sub
What sells the picture is the many angry Naruto's im the background

"Guess where my other hand is!" - Clannad Sub
Gee I wonder?

"She has six boobs! I saw them!" - Toradora Sub
I believe you, but show me anyway

"Your breasts have ruined my Christmas" - Yuru Yuri Sub
Well I like to keep it topical

"And then I invoke the permanent card The Dignity of the Retarded" - Yu-Gi-Oh Sub
I'm curious to know what that card does or is it on a banned list?

"This Ramen is my Girlfriend" - Voltron Sub
I guess some people take those crazy Ramen commercials to heart.
