Character Ranking: Dragonballz Movie Villains

Time for another character ranking, this time on DBZs Movie Villains.
This will cover the 13 original movies in the Dragonballz run, no specials or Super films, they will get a future rank, and main villain only, no lackeys.

Garlic Jr is the only villain who also appears in the main series and yet that was also filler. I best describe him as a roided Emperor Pilaf, a little incompetent when you realize he basically defeats himself.
Dr Wheelo there isn't much to him, a former scientist who just wants a body to steal, he surprisingly looks the least threatening.
Turles I wish was with Nappa and Vegeta, he's a brutal fighter with some vicious attacks.
Lord Slug is dumb with a dumb weakness, doesn't give nameks much to be proud of.
Cooler started as a more competent Freiza but ultimately became Freiza by the end.
Meta Cooler didn't feel like an upgrade as he was mass produced so his impact is not that great in the movie.
Android 13 felt like the Android final boss we deserved until we got Cell. Ruthless and brutal and punches Goku in the balls.
Broly is probably the best movie villain ever produced, it's no surprise he was built into the canon for Super but his motivation is pathetic.
Bojack having to follow Broly and 13 and the fact that it's another over roided character is just a tired concept by this point and we need some creativity.
Broly MK 2 is not what I meant, he feels less intimidating now and you kinda think that Gohan should've won.
Bio Broly is embarrassing nothing more.
Janemba thank you, you actually have a villain that is good enough to be canon and better than Majin Buu.
Hirudegarn felt like a homage to Toriyama's Chrono Trigger as it feels like a reject monster design, still it's rare to see a proper kaiju in DBZ.

Garlic Jr 6.8/10
Dr Wheelo 5.9/10
Turles 8.7/10
Lord Slug 4.3/10
Cooler 7.3/10
Meta Cooler 5.9/10
Android 13 8.5/10
Broly 8.9/10
Bojack 7.0/10
Broly MK2 7.2/10
Bio Broly 1.3/10
Janemba 9.6/10
Hirudegarn 8.0/10
