Welcome to the Fantasy Zone

This Zone is dedicated to the lesser known elements of anime hosted by the cast of Victory Script.

What weapon is the best?
Who will win in this Death Battle?
Is this costume practical?

You name it, it's all covered here in the Fantasy Zone!

Otaku Insight: Even More Unintentionally Hilarious Lines of Dialogue

I'm having way too much fun with these.

"No more for me, thanks. I've swallowed enough" - Plastic Little Sub
Uhhh, nah too easy

"Porno Sites, Porno Sites" - Chobits Dub
Sumomo listing recent internet history

"Leo Burnett and 4Kids are the Devil" - Pokemon Dub
James from Team Rocket using backwards messages

"Earth to Toddler Bitch!" - Yu Yu Hakusho Dub
Earliest days of glorious Funimation dubbing

"Hold your fire, this man isn't Black" - Dragonball Super Dub
And yet the current Funimation didn't think to proof read this line before going to print

"So you dodged my Gàe Bulg fatal blow" - Fate/Stay Night Dub
The dub actor called it "Gay Bulger"

"My feelings are not a fake" - Bible Black Dub
What do you expect from a hentai?

"How do I look, Darling?" - Darling OVA Sub
What's meant to be a nice moment of bonding between husband and wife you just can't take seriously when her hair is that bad!

"I am Mad Scientist! United States goes and invade" - Steins Gate Sub
Okabe really not doing well with English

"Hanako-sama, you were so delighted by my butt beam until just a week ago" - Asobi Asobase Sub
Maeda upset that Hanako no longer likes his butt beam

Otaku Insight: More Unintentionally Hilarious Lines of Dialogue

Time for some more hilarious lines of dialogue.

"I can't sleep until you fire a laser from your butt" - Asobi Asobase Sub
Hanako's butler displaying his Shogi talents.

"I'll use my trusty frying pan, as a drying pan" - Pokemon Dub
Brock again displaying his talent for thinking on his feet

"It's Thick! And it's Hard! And it's coming to get ya!" - s-CRY-ed Dub
George's Magnum weapon...I hope

"Erupting! Burning! Finger!" - G Gundam Dub
By changing the attack name in the dub you now have a much dirtier sounding attack

"I wouldn't be surprised if one day he starts saying his lack of effort is the reason there is no air in outta space" - Gundam Wing Dub
Duo sums up Quatre pretty well

"I'll take a potato chip and EAT!" - Death Note Dub
Kinda kills the intensity there Light

"I am a boy! This is an Octopus!" - Otokojuku Sub
In standing up to a burly American, a Japanese delinquent uses JoJo Engrish

"Look a Dame! A Woman!" - Dream Dimension Hunter Fandora Lost Dub
Yes, yes it is

"Let that child alone" - Dragonballz Big Green Dub
Piccolo you've had how long on planet Earth? The language ain't that difficult

"Now I'm freakin dead" - Outlanders OVA Dub
You've been stabbed right through your mouth, you shouldn't be talking

Otaku Insight: Unintentionally Hilarious Lines of Dialogue

Going off script, literally in some cases, time for a little dig at some unintentionally funny lines in anime.

"My breasts are the biggest so I should be Snow White" - Sailor Moon Sub
Makoto Kino laying it on thick to the other scouts.

"I'm gonna die in a Godzilla Suit" - Shinesman Dub
Shina getting herself trapped in a Godzilla costume in soaring heat

"Baoh has a laser cannon!" - Baoh Dub
Yes, yes he does captain obvious

"It's a Lake full of lots of Sea!" - Twin Signal Dub
Leave it to a chibi to confuse water

"It's a Giant Chest Piece!" - Wild Cardz Dub
I'm sure it's not that hard to say Chess

"Nothing Beats a Jelly Filled Donut" - Pokemon Dub
Explains why Brock always has his eyes closed, denile!

"They're talking to their balls" - Full Metal Panic Fumoffu Dub
Kyoko after witnessing grown Rugby men with their Rugby balls

"This is Very Annoying" - Pretty Sammy OVA Dub
A Bill Gates like enemy using a very politician like response to magical girls

"No, Let me squeeze them some more" - K-On Dub
Out of context, it's easy to guess what Yui is squeezing

"You full grown men are waving big swords at us innocent women, you're nothing but cowards" - Maze the Megaburst Space Dub
Seems like a good line, except one of the enemies in the scene is female