Welcome to the Fantasy Zone

This Zone is dedicated to the lesser known elements of anime hosted by the cast of Victory Script.

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Character Ranking: Haikyu

Ask and I shall deliver this is Haikyu character ranking.
Just a disclaimer before I start, Haikyu at this point is on the verge of a 5th season and I only recently started watching it so expect this ranking to be revisted in the future as I add more characters and change the scores as I continue watching.

Shoyo Hinata
The fun ball of energy that is a little over done in this genre, he looks weak but is backed up by some exceptional skills. He's enthusiastic but easily becomes nervous. He can perform impossible feats but is a moron. It's hard to dislike him but he's hardly memorable.

Tobio Kageyama
A bad tempered player who is quick to criticise his teammates on simple mistakes and not being able to keep up with him which actually causes his old team to abandon him, his redemption is well done and I can see myself liking him more in the future.

Daichi Sawamura
The captain actually acts like a captain, I guess they do exist. He's not that remarkable but it's nice to see someone down to Earth and actually command respect.

Koshi Sugawara
The overly nice helpful guy is already looking like he's going to be a wasted character, prove me wrong anime.

Ryunosuke Tanaka
Currently my favourite character, there's plenty of room for a boisterous macho hot blooded character in a sports anime and he fills that role nicely.

Kei Tsukishima
Last character I'll rank for now, I'm on the fence about this guy as he's introduced as a bit of a smug bastard but then he now seems bored with the situation in front of him.

Scores for now
Shoyo Hinata: 7.2/10
Tobio Kageyama: 8.0/10
Daichi Sawamura: 8.0/10
Koshi Sugawara: 6.5/10
Ryunosuke Tanaka: 8.8/10
Kei Tsukishima: 6.2/10

Otaku Insight: Bizarre Anime Facts

Bit of fun, let's have a look at some bizarre facts.

1. Mario is a Supermarket worker
In Mario's only OVA, he's depicted working in a Supermarket, this is long before his established canon as a plumber.

2. Ayeka's Hair is Dyed
Princess Ayeka of the Jurai royal family in Tenchi Muyo is meant to have the same hair colour as Sasami, the turquoise blue colour. She dyed it purple to look better in front of Yosho and her step mother Funaho.

3. Space Brothers record breaker
Space Brothers has the honour of holding the only voice recording from space as dialogue was recorded from a Japanese Astronaut from the International Space Station

4. Anzu Mazaki has never lost a duel
Hard to believe but Anzu or Teà has never lost a duel in the Yu-Gi-Oh series becoming the only character in the series to have a 100% win ratio.

5. Usopp's Tall Tales are real
When introduced to One Piece, Usopp told a lot of tall tales of being a great warrior of the sea but ever since he left, he has been living many of the tales he's told, reaching a fever pitch with Dressrosa when he gained thousands of followers for breaking the toy curse.

6. Pizza Hut really did sponsor Code Geass
Remember that old meme Pizza Hut supports the Rebellion? That's real, product placement is everywhere in Code Geass.

7. The Titans were inspired by drunks
The unusual way the Titans of Attack on Titan moved and looked were inspired by encounters with drunks.

8. Most Isekai Protagonists dress the same
Quite often those Isekai Protagonists that don't take on a new form are almost always seen in a tracksuit. Re Zero, Konosuba, Shield Hero and Familiar of Zero to name a few.

9. Sasuke Uchiha wasn't supposed to exist
Sasuke was never planned for Naruto but many of Kishimoto's staff insisted on Naruto having a rival. This also explains why Sasuke isn't featured as prominently as he should've been and why the whole Uchiha plot was garbage.

10. One anime character has 22 voice actresses
Eucliwood Hellscyth from Is This A Zombie? Has 22 Voice actresses despite being a mute character, this is a running gag where the protagonist fantisises Eucliwood being his waifu and having a different voice each time. If you include English dub along with other language audio the total isn't far off 100.

Character Ranking: Straw Hat Pirates

Let's try the Strawhats now.

Not really much I can add to a Shonen Protagonist, he ticks all the boxes and followed the same path, nothing is really that different.

He takes his role the most seriously to the point where you wonder what his end goal is, the current chapter being crucial to where his next stage of development will be.

Were starting to see a more capable Nami who may yet prove to be one of the stronger members of the Strawhats.

Usopp's journey up to now has been the best and peaked at the God Usopp part, he may yet become the great warrior of the sea.

We finally saw some background to Sanji Vinsmoke, pity it was in such a disappointing arc. Nevertheless he now looks more sympathetic.

Chopper is the only one that hasn't really changed that much, his impact on the story is getting less and less especially when Trafalgar Law has done more to aid Luffy's injuries in recent times.

I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapters to see if she can reveal the true history if the world. Definitely a character that could easily win more points.

His appearance and abilities are keeping him more interesting than his actions. Likely won't get another major role unless Sunny needs a serious upgrade.

I always found Brook's position to be token but he is proving to be quite formidable especially in the previous cake arc but I doubt he could repeat this.

Showing some great swag standing up to the series top villains but I'm still waiting for his position to be permanent.

Luffy: 8.0/10
Zoro: 8.0/10
Nami: 8.0/10
Usopp: 9.0/10
Sanji: 8.8/10
Chopper: 6.0/10
Robin: 8.0/10
Franky: 7.5/10
Brook: 7.7/10
Jinbe: 7.4/10

Character Ranking: Tenchi Muyo

This character ranking is based on their appearance in Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki 1 and 2, Universe and the Universe film trilogy, I may return to this post to add characters and change scores but as of now lets get going.

As far as harem protagonists go, he's the best. The joke is that he's not really needed because he appears seemingly normal compared to his harem but his personality makes the difference in how other characters act. He's strung along a bit but if he were any other harem protagonist then he'd be unlikable.

The term no personal space comes to mind. Her infatuation with Tenchi has never felt natural and usually has to learn the hardway but when she does keep her hormones under control she easily has some of the most powerful emotional moments in the franchise.

I find it difficult to recommend Ayeka as a character because she's not really that much different to Ryoko and lacks many of the traits the quieter part of Ryoko has which makes Ayeka quite a selfish character.

Her appearance is little sister at best, token nice kid at worst.

On par with Pikachu for cutest mascot, but some of the stories she has are not great.

Gives new meaning to the term dumb blonde and can be unbearable with her ditziness but thanks to her partner in Universe, she has a place she fits into.

And that partner is Kiyone and a character I can easily relate to having to deal with asinine decisions made by clueless people and having no affection for Tenchi gives her the important audience surrogate role alot of harem now lack.

She's a fun character and has some of the best line reads but like a mary sue, seems to bend the plot to her will far too often. Much of the story plots are started or finished by her.

He's fine, it's clear that he messed up alot during his time but if I were to compare him to another character like himself say Genma Saotome from Ranma, I'd say Yosho is only slightly better.

Tenchi: 9.0/10
Ryoko: 8.0/10
Ayeka: 7.6/10
Sasami: 7.5/10
Ryo-Ohki: 7.6/10
Mihoshi: 7.2/10
Kiyone: 9.7/10
Washu: 8.0/10
Yosho: 7.0/10

Character Ranking: Love Hina

Were back with another character ranking, this time it's Love Hina.

Keitaro Urashima
I'd like to say he has very poor taste in women which may or may not set the tone for the rest of the ranking but he's hardly the butt monkey degenerate like those that followed, when allowed to be a character he's actually quite a decent guy.

Naru Narusegawa
It's hard to look past the fact that she's violent for no reason but trust me she's not the worst offender, I do like the fact that her insecurities bite her later on making her less high and mighty.

Mutsumi Otohime
Easily the best character and way more devious than her ill health lets on, she ended up being the biggest cheerleader to her two best friends.

Shinobu Maehara
She acts her age surprisingly and that should be a plus but her anime counterpart is dreadful.

Motoko Aoyama
Easily has her own insecurities which flare up due to her feelings over her older sister marrying and she does get over most of it but much of her early character is difficult to like.

Kaolla Su
Combining eccentric genius with ADHD borders on Western cartoon tropes, I wish they explored more of her background instead of making her more intolerable.

Kitsune Konno
I'm glad they remember that not all girls need to be in love with the lead and Kitsune is a good balance when it comes to observation and acting big sister.

Haruka Urashima
Another no nonsense observer of chaos but gets a happy ending she never saw coming and is richly deserved.

Noriyasu Seta
Proving that the dandiest of men can be as big as a goofball as Keitaro.

Sarah McDougal
The anime equivalent of Scrappy Doo, never liked her nor gave me a reason to like her.

Kanako Urashima
Shall this be patient zero of the sister love thing? Kanako easily borderlines yandere with some of her actions but is saved by the fact that she helped change Naru's character for the better towards the end.

Keitaro: 9.3/10
Naru: 7.2/10
Mutsumi: 9.6/10
Shinobu: 7.4/10
Motoko: 7.8/10
Kaolla: 6.4/10
Kitsune: 8.6/10
Haruka: 8.8/10
Seta: 8.0/10
Sarah: 2.0/10
Kanako: 7.9/10