
Hello! I'm Julius Seasons, ringleader of the Fantastical Season's Circus. I see that you're interested in joining us. That's great, but allow me to set down a couple of rules first. I will not allow my circus to act like common street urchins. So here we go:

1. I expect at least a basic understanding of grammar and spelling. If nothing else, remember to capitalize the beginning of sentences and use proper punctuation.

2. If you have problems with another member, try to sort it out peacefully and politely with them. If that fails, try to contact a leader we'll do what we can.

3. I must also point out that super-special snowflakes and Mary-Sues/ Gary-Stues will not be tolerated in my circus. Be plausible with your talents. A acrobat/tightrope walker is plausible. A acrobat/tightrope walker/lion-tamer/ringleader/knife-thrower/magician is not. A circus needs more than one person to succeed.

4. That being said, our circus will not be succeed if only one or two people participate. Also keep in mind that a circus is not the same as a fencing match; more than two people are involved.

5. You can have as many characters as you can handle, just make sure you use them all!
