A little Uryu rant =.=

Well, I read Hana-chan's long, beautiful rant & it got me into making one too. Hehehe. :P


I couldn't stand it that Ishida Uryu, my most precious, beloved Quincy, is being underestimated & underrated in the eyes of judgmental people.

Why can't you people see how amazing & wonderful this person is? I admit that no one is perfect, but that's no excuse to concentrate at one's flaws & repeating them like it's something unforgivable.

And just because I'm in love with a fictional character, it doesn't make me stupid. Even though I felt that way maaaany times... >.>

Anyway, Ishida-kun is a very wonderful guy! He does interesting things & he amazes me in every way! I openly admit that when I saw him for the first time on Bleach, my first thought was: "Kabati ug nawng." Literal translation is: 'his face is ugly'. *falls over & hides* Well, I didn't really liked Bleach back then... but you can tell things have changed. I thought he was too cocky for his own good too... but he has reasons. :P I actually thought he was... gay... I'm just a stupid kid back then. *shakes head*

But surely, he is not. He's just metro-sexual, which I find interesting & great. Haha. (If you don't know what it means, it's basically a young straight stylish urban man who is unashamed to enjoy good clothes, stylish living etc.) JUST BECAUSE A GUY IS FASHIONABLE DOESN'T MEAN HE'S GAY. Period.

Long rant is looooong!!! >.<

He has a very... *gasp* beautiful body --gaah-- & the most handsome face! *squeal* I like his slanted, shiny navy-blue eyes behind those rectangle, cool glasses of his! Just staring at them makes me feel melting!!! >w< His smile is just... breath taking. Everytime he does it, I feel sooooo happy like my problems went away! And his haaair is so wonderful. It sways to the wind & it makes him heavenly, especially when he's wearing his Quincy suits! ♥

And his voice... his lovely, alluring voice... I really love to hear him sing. I get so captivated!!! >w<

He may act cold on most people but he's really kind & gentle. People just don't see that. He deserves to be loved. <3


Okieeee... I'll stop right there. *hides*

*just read an IshiHime doujinshi & loves it!!!*
