What Death Note Dd To The World And Us

What Death Note Did To The World And Us.

Again and again I search up the Death Note ending, and again and again I think about how it affects us. From Light Yagami picking up the Death Note to his death the world has been awed at it’s magnificent plot. It was captivated at its elaborate twists and turns and everyone was at the edge of their seat. The idea that there was a notebook that, if you write the name of a person, kills them is oddly fascinating. And the characters and how they play the game of Cat and Mouse, except with a much more darker context. Who will win? They ask. Will Kira be caught or is there any justice at all? Many people have taken sides. Some believe that the almighty Kira is right, and by killing criminals the world will be perfect. Or the odd L, who supports that justice is here and Kira is not the answer. Death Note is without a doubt one of all of Japan’s most amazing anime’s.

What Kira did to us

Kira is a great person to some people and a maniac serial killer to the others. Many people look up to Light Yagami and can’t wait to see the sparkling new world he wishes to create. While some see him as a man who is psycho and thinks that killing thousand’s of people is justice. But Kira supports have taken it over the edge, by actually killing people and leaving notes: I am Kira. This anime has brought some people to actually kill. They have been so affected by Death Note, that they will actually kill other people thinking they are supporting Kira. Indeed broadcasters of the anime are thinking of taking it off the air because of the killings. The idea of having this ‘new world’ is amazing to people, as they see no destruction, no deaths, and a happy world. But is this really a better world? That they will get to this ‘new world’ by killing so many make’s it seem like the world is worse then it was in the first place. And so we ask what will make this ‘new world’ without all the killing? This is when we take a look at what L did to the world.

What L did to us

L was almost the ‘hero’ in Death Note, until his abrupt end. L seemed very odd and many people though “This is L?” when he was finally shown. But L was soon loved by almost everyone. His quirky looks and the way he held things amused people and L fan-groups (and fan-girls) grew amongst Japan. L was incredibly smart. He also got one film (L: Change the world), one anime short and one novel (Death Note: Another Note). Most people see L as the ‘justice’ in the anime. When Light dies he see’s L watching him and people say, “L is watching his killer die.” When L was going to die people thought it seemed like L knew he was going to die and wondered what he meant by ‘the bells’ that were ringing so loudly that day. We wonder so many things about L as his past has not been cleared up as well as people like, “What about Whammy’s House and what do they do there?” and “What is the scene where Watanuki looks down at the head of the little L?”. Indeed we do not know many things about the peculiar L.

What Death Note Did to Us

Death Note brings the most amazing things. Shinigami’s are real and they own a notebook of Death. A look into a world when a human finds this, and it just so happens that this human is incredibly smart. But all in all the human succumbs to the lure of the Shinigami and the all powerful Death Note and in the end is killed by the very Shinigami who gave him the notebook, whom told him in the very that he would kill him in the end. People are astounded by this anime and dream of the world had the human lived on. The ‘new world’ where wars have stopped and criminal activity has gone down by 70%. This world is astounded by the concept. But all this in the six years that this human ruled over he was finally caught. And this whole thing started because a Shinigami was bored.
