Shadow: Depression

What's happening? Shadow felt something deep in his heart rising up. When he was alone, he thought about her. Remembering the terrible image brought tears to his eyes. What if she had lived? He lived in a seemingly abandoned house on the bad side of town, because he needed to be alone. He didn't want fall i love again, for fear he'd lose another best friend. She was is whole world. then thier horrible soldiers came to take Maria away from him. He remembered when they had first met. when she had opened the capsule used to contain him. She loved him at first sight. He'd been young then, and they both dreamed of going down to Earth. She made him feel good about himself. Nowhe hated himself and he wanted to die, but he'd made a promise to her; to protect the people of the Earth. he cut himself with a knife he'd found somewhere in the house. He just wanted to be with her. When she died, something iside of him had died too. His heart. He wished he could forget. He wised he was never born."You're useless," he told himself. "You don't matter. Nobody understands." He cut his arm again, this time grimacing in pain. A voice in his head told himthat he could end it all now...he did have the knife in his hands, right? He put the knife up to his neck and...he put it back down, shaking his head. He grabbed his leather jacket that was hanging on the back of a chair. he put it on as he walked out the door. It was midnight. He entered the graveyard. He walked for a bit until he stood at her grave. he knelt down and began to dig. instead of a tomb, there was a small carboard box. He took it, hid it under his jacket and ran home. When he was safely back inside, he opened it. Inside were pictures of her. Blood still pulsed intensely from his arm. Blood dripped off his arm and onto a photo. He couldn't take it. He didn't want to live like this. First Maria, then Rouge. Whenever he had a close friend, who really cared about him, he lost them. He took the knife and slit his own neck. "I'll be with you soon, my sweet Maria." He closed his eyes and sighed one last bittersweet sigh
