KH: NJAN Chapter 3

So here is the next chappie!!! Yay! From here on the plot will be kind of awkward so brace yourself, but it will get pretty interesting...

Chapter 3: Nightmares

I woke with a start, covered in a sheen of cold sweat. I shivered. Why did I get the oddest sensation that someone was watching me? I glanced around the room only to be met once again with the darkness that came with being blind. Slowly lifting my body off of the floor, I straightened my arms. I felt something slide down my back and I shivered before turning around and grabbing the object, stopping its descent.

It was a sleeping bag.

I must have fallen asleep during the cake wars and someone had put it over me. I slowly got up, the cold floor making me shiver again as my bare feet brushed it. Deciding that I would go practice my act for work before everyone woke up, I slung the sleeping bag over my shoulder and slowly walked across the floor, finding my way with my feet. My foot gently nudged something warm and I stopped walking, kneeling down on the ground beside it. It breathed and I smiled, glad to know that he was alive. Slipping the sleeping bag off of my shoulder, I pulled it over the sleeping Zinan, who was shivering slightly in the middle of the room. I patted his hair away from his face and listened to his breath go in and out. “Thank you.” I whispered softly. He simply sighed quietly and turned his head. I smiled softly once more.

Standing up and carefully avoiding hitting Zinan, I softly padded over to where Kanaye was fast asleep, mumbling gibberish happily while he dreamed. I giggled. I touched his face with my hand and I realized that he was covered in cake crumbs and was hugging the empty container that had once held the cake. I rolled my eyes and laughed quietly before brushing the crumbs off of his face and gently pulling the box out of his hands. He mumbled something incoherent and rolled over. I grinned and placed the box on one of the crates we used for furniture.

Stepping over to where Sachi and Haru were sleeping, I knelt down and felt around on the wall before I found the crate and my hand brushed against something that felt like hair. Reaching towards it, I realized it was Sachi and I smiled, running my hands through her extremely short hair a few times before kissing her forehead. The hand that was rested on her cheek felt her smile and I smiled with her as she snuggled closer to Haru for warmth, burying her face in his chest. When I moved my hand from Sachi’s face, it grazed something that felt like skin. Touching it gently, I found that Haru had wrapped his arm around Sachi protectively in his sleep. I chuckled slightly. I heard his breath quietly leave his mouth and I smiled.

I felt a few salty tears escape my eyes and fall down my cheek. I stood up, wiping at them with my wrist as I walked to the door to our hideaway. I shook my head, trying to get rid of this sad feeling as the traitorous tears ran down my face. It was an odd feeling indeed.

“I hate it so much...” I whispered quietly to the darkness as the water fell from my eyes. “Not being able to see… I wonder if I’d worry as much if I could see all of your faces…” I stood in the silence for a long moment. I shook my head incredulously. I was being pretty silly. I didn’t have to be afraid of them disappearing. It was just a dream after all. I sighed. Then why did I get this weird feeling that something wrong was going to happen as soon as I left the room?

A sudden shuffling sound in the room made me freeze for a moment. A small voice called out to me. “Sissy?”

I automatically relaxed. “What is it, Sachi?”

She yawned and walked up to me, taking my hand in her small one. “What are you doing?” I smiled down at her.

“I’m talking to you.” I replied quietly. Sachi frowned.

“Then what are you doing at the door?” I smiled. Sometimes this little girl was a bit too smart.

“I was just going to go practice before work.” I said sweetly. She pouted.

“But it’s too early for work!” she whined. I sighed and crouched down to her level.

“Whatever you say, Sachi.” I replied, giving in to her pleadings. She smiled.

“You’re silly, Sissy.” We stood there in the silence for a few more moments. Sachi yawned again. “Sissy?”

“Yes, Sachi?”

“Can we go to sleep now?” I chuckled quietly.

“Yes, Sachi. Go lie down.” Sachi smiled and pulled me towards where she was sleeping before. I sat down next to her as she got back in her sleeping bag. I sat there for many minutes in the silence, waiting for her to go to sleep. When I thought Sachi was deep asleep, I started to get up.

“Sissy?” I froze and then sighed, caught in the act. I turned and looked at her.

“Yes Sachi?” I asked sweetly.

“Will you stay with me?” I looked down at her in surprise and felt her wide eyes staring up at my face. I smiled.

“Yes, Sachi. I’ll stay with you. Now go to sleep.” I whispered. She smiled one last time before closing her eyes and sighing. Within minutes, she was sound asleep. I chuckled before lying down next to her and closing my eyes, unable to sleep, but unable to stay awake.

I sat there and thought, the memories of my recent dreams playing my head. That boy… Who was he exactly? Why was he haunting my dreams? I could almost sense him now… Standing next to me…


I woke up with the feeling that someone was watching me again. It scared me. I futilely tried to see who it was, but being blind didn’t help that situation at all. I sighed as the feeling disappeared once more and the quiet sounds of my sleeping friends caused me to relax. I groaned quietly. Was there no end to this torment?

I sat up, careful not to wake Sachi, and pulled my rod out of my pocket before standing. I must have fallen asleep when I was thinking about that dream. I walked up to our window and touched the surface to realize it was warmer than I had expected. I must have slept longer than I thought if the sun was already up and warming the window. Concluding that my family would be waking up any time now, I pressed the extend button on my rod and decided to practice hitting that ball in the air while I still could before going to work... to hit that ball in the air… I sighed, wishing I could do something a bit more productive, but I unhappily settled for this. I walked, still barefoot I might add, outside and padded down the street.

I shivered slightly as my exposed feet hit the cold stone that made up the path, but I ignored it, absorbed in my own thoughts as I walked to my usual practicing place. I hadn’t realized it was so cold outside. I wished I had grabbed one of the guys’ jackets. It was freezing out here! I froze. Wait. If it’s so cold out here? Then why was the window warm when I touched it? I shivered again, but this time it had nothing to do with the cold.

I turned around, my unseeing eyes wandering over my surroundings aimlessly. The feeling that I was being watched was back and stronger than ever. It sent more shivers up my spine. I could practically feel someone's eerie gaze on me ask I walked. “Who’s there?!” I called out, refusing to let the fear show in my face.


I sighed and kept on walking, tapping the pole along the things in front of me as I went. There was no reason to be afraid, I told myself. You’re just being paranoid. I heard a shuffling noise to my left and I spun, lifting my rod in defense toward the noise. All was silent.

I growled slightly, mad at whoever was following me. “I’m not an idiot, you know. I know someone is there.” I was met with silence once more. I sighed and put down my rod, walking forward once more. “Maybe you are going insane, Nix.” I muttered to myself, glaring at the floor in frustration.

I felt the path end and my foot nudged something soft that bounced slightly away from me when I touched it. It was the ball I used to perform. I picked it up and kept on walking, not stopping despite the eerie feeling I had until I felt the sand between my toes and the mist of the sea on my face. I was finally at the beach. I sighed, trying to relax as I sat down and crossed my legs in front of me, closing my eyes as I listened to my surroundings. Waves were gently crashing before me even though I couldn’t see them, filling my lungs with the smell of the sea.

I sat there for many minutes before I was finally relaxed enough to focus on the task at hand. I sighed and stood up, brushing the sand off of my pants and weighing the small ball carefully in my hands. “Let the games begin.” I muttered to myself before tossing the ball into the air. The air swished around it as it flew upward and then the noise stopped at it reached its peak before it started up again as it fell, this time approaching me.

I jumped up into the air, hitting it back up with the back of my heel before I landed back on the sand. I listened intently as it swished upward again, but then came to a stop. It began to fall again. I waited, this time deciding to test out my newly found weapon. I swung my rod upward and bunted the ball into the air just as it reached me, making a small pinging sound. I hit it again- and again- and again, letting all of my energy loose one bit at a time. Every time I hit the ball, I became a bit more frustrated at myself. Why was I doing this? I hit the ball a bit too hard and it went higher than I expected. I grunted, blowing a stray strand of my neon green hair out of my face. Now to try something really difficult… I thought, before leaping into the air.

Sticking my pole in the sand, I flipped upward, climbing up to the tip of the pole. I stood on top of it, balancing on it in the darkness that was my sight, and waited for the ball to fall. I heard the ball fall towards me and I stuck out my fist, punching it back into the air. It went up about a foot before it fell again and I kicked it. It was almost annoying how hard it was to keep the ball in the air and stay balanced on the pole, especially seeing as it wasn’t that deep in the ground, and it only fed my fury.

I pounded all of my frustrations and questions into that ball. Why did I have to be so weak? Why was I blind? I wanted to do more! I grunted as the ball flew into the air. How was it that I was stuck doing this job? Was this going to be what I did for the rest of my life? Waking up scared in the middle of the night with nightmares that haunted me? I didn’t want that. My breath came rapidly as I grew even more annoyed at myself. I didn’t want to feel like I was always being watched. I didn’t want to put my family in danger. My heart was pounding with adrenaline at this point, every question and every contact with the ball making me want to hit it even harder. And who was this boy that haunted by dreams? I was angry. I felt so helpless. Why was it that I couldn’t see? Why did my parents abandon me?

With an angry yell I kicked the ball away from me and jumped off of my pole, landing on the sand with a huff as I heard the ball splash in the water. My breath came in wild gasps as my anger drained. I was being irrational. Letting my anger and fear overtake me was a mistake. I sighed and wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Well at least I wasn’t cold anymore. I heard light applause coming from behind me and I whirled towards the sound in shock.

“Bravo.” a voice laughed quietly. “You put on quite the show.” I stared in the direction of the sound, saying nothing. The man laughed again at my expression. “What? You’re surprised to see me?” I glared at him icily. He laughed once more. “No, I guess you’re not. I forgot our next recruit was supposed to be blind.” I felt his questioning gaze on my face. “But you handle yourself well enough that you’d think you’d be able to see what you’re doing.” I held up my long metal weapon defensively and glared at him.

“What do you want?” I practically growled. I heard him laugh and wave his hands in front of him.

“No need to get defensive. I was just sent out here because there was word that another nobody had appeared and she had potential.” He laughed once and then muttered, “Looks like Superior was right.” I shook my head incredulously.

“What in the heck are you talking about?” A twitch in the air told me he had smiled.

“Let me show you.” I glared at him.

“And I’m supposed to trust you why exactly? I don’t even know your name! For all I know, you could be some creepy old guy who has voodoo dolls of people he doesn’t like in his basement and stalks younger girls in his spare time! How does that make sense?! Please! Enlighten me!” I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. The man smirked.

“You need to trust me because I’m your only ticket home. And by the way, the name is Axel. Got it memorized?” Before I could blink, someone grabbed my arm and shoved me into what felt like some kind of portal. I felt the air shift around me as I fell towards what I didn’t know. All I could tell was that this was not going to be a pleasant day…

Duhn Duhn DUHN!!!

So, yeah, it was Axel who was watching her. (That's why her window was warm when she woke up. Hello? Fire elemental?)

Oh and I betcha didn't know she had green hair, now did ya?

So yeah, the characters might be a bit OOC, but I can't really help that much because I haven't played the game all the way through... (I just know who the characters are so far.) Yeah I know what you're thinking. "WHY IN THE HECK ARE YOU WRITING THIS THEN?!" Well because I like the KH game and I know what happens in the storyline! So there! (Besides, writing fanfics for KH is fun!)

Nix, Kanaye, Sachi, Haru, and Zinan (c) by ME!!!! Kingdom Hearts (c) by NOT ME!!!

Hope you liked it!!
