You may have seen this coming...

...but this guy I keep talking about asked me out today. I mean we were basically a couple already, but I said yes and now its official. Its soo crazy. I NEVER would have seen this coming. Honestly, the first time I talked to him I never planned to ever talk to him again and he knows that. Obviously, things didn't happen that way. Its funny because he's so easy to talk to and he knows me better that all of my friends. They keep telling me if I go out with him they'll kill me, which he also knows, but its not up to them. Soooo, they don't know about it. I'm trying to find a way to figure out how to get them to be okay with it. If they can't accept it then I guess they're not very good friends. I mean, there's nothing wrong with this guy that could make them be like this. He's not popular or anything like that, but he's awesome and I really like him. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I have this phobia where I just can't have people touching me. If someone touches me I get this weird feeling and I kinda shrink inside myself. It really bothers me. I just CAN'T let them touch me. This guy was like that for a while, but not anymore. He read that you could help cure that through desenatization and slowly helped me with it. I'm more tolerant of others and he doesn't bother me at all. If you knew how bad it was this would be amazing to you, lol. Anyway, so far we're the only two who know about our relationship. We think my dad might know, but we're not completely sure. If my mom knew she would die. She's being really paranoid with him. I don't know why, but she thinks we're gonna "do stuff." Apparently she doesn't know me very well..

Sorry if I rambled. Just wanted to put this out there.
