
Yesterday was THE longest day of my life! I was sitting in my Chemitsy/Physics class doing a study guide and minding my own bussiness. Then, the principal of the school came on over the PA system and announced an external lockdown, i.e. classes would go on as usual and all door leading in or out of the school would be locked. Everyone sighed and went back to work.

About ten to fifteen minutes later, the principal came on again. Everyone thought that the lockdown was over, but instead, we were informed that we were also going to move into an internal lockdown. Now people cared what was going on. We were ordered by the teacher to stay in our seats and be quiet while he turned out the lights and locked the door. After about ten minutes of continuing with our work, the entire class began to talk in small whispers of what might be going on outside of the school. Eventually we all stopped whispering and just talked quietly. After about an hour, the principal's voice came on again and says, "We would like to announce...that we are...still holding the students. However! We will be sending administration around to all of the rooms to escort student who have to go to the restroom one class at a time." We could hear the angels singing in the background. Over half of the class had to go. Unfortunately, after another hour they still hadn't shown up...

So now, we're about two hours into this thing and still haven't been able to go to the bathroom. One girl had been pleading with the teacher to let her go since about five minutes before the initial lockdown. As soon as he wasn't looking, she darted out the door. The entire class was awestricken. The teacher simply said, "Did she finally leave? Well, guess I gotta make a phone all." We all laughed and resumed talking. Half an hour later, our teacher tells us that he isn't worried about cell phones and mp3's or anything and to do whatever we could to keep ourselves quiet. He could feel the energy building up inside of us. Everyone need to do something to keep from going crazy. There weren't even any windows in the room!

...to be continued.
