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I like to post anything i found funny, important, or just something that caught my attention here :D

4 IN 1

sketches, dumpies, wips and babble
(4 random post in 1)

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got tons of wips to do, orz this is all the school-craps fault...
1.random girl
2. princess
3. boy attempt but failed ~.~
4. ENGLAND!! with a gun thingy
5. boy attempt... failed again
6. raichu gijinka!!
7. random girl for my friend
8. reflection inspired by mulan~~
9. side view practice
10. new oc klainsy!!
11. aya's crying??

i have a lot more but too lazy to compile, lol, have more doodles than my notes...


about my babble:

wheeeew, tomorrow's the day for my speech, i've been practicing almost a week, there's no way i'm going to flunk out in front of many people~~

bring it on!!


behind the wheel + random question

i got my permit and started my behind the wheel experience, and it's very funny~~

1. that's my first time doing it, our instructor told us to practice, but i'm too lazy to do so.
2. don't know where's the brake and gas, lol, even though my teacher already taught us that, maybe i'm on my own world back then...(daydreaming issue)
3. keep imagining hetalia...lol, hetavirus~~

soooooooo, for the random question:

1. why is there no E in the grading system, like A,B,C,D,F, where's the E?
2. why are there sayings like "you have a running nose" and "your feet smells"?
lol, funny sayings~~


hair poll

ack!! hetalia's ending song is stuck in my head


if ya want to watch it:

anywhoo, about the poll
which hair do you like the best??