Time For Some Campaigning!

Mood: Sleepy...
Music: BeForU "Dive"

WARNING!! SERIOUS OBAMA BASHING!! Please don't read if you are easily offended...

So, last night was the big Vice-Presidential Debate. Now, I did not watch it myself because I was too busy. However, my good friends Tobi (my roommate), Tiffany, and Deuster watched it in our dorm's lobby. There were also a couple of other people down there. Three other girls, to be exact. Among these six, there was only 1 Obama fan. She felt the need to constantly argue with everything my good friends said.

You see, my friends were giving the VP candidates points for various things. By the end of the night, Palin had 17, Biden had only 2. Well, Palin said she was against same-sex marriage. My friends yell, "POINT!!" The girl (we'll call her Merry) says, "What do you have against same-sex marriage?" Tobi says, "It's against the Bible!" Merry says, "No it's not." Tobi looks at Tiffany and says, "You're Bible or mine?" indicating that she was willing to run upstairs and get one to prove Merry wrong. In case anyone feels the need to dispute the fact that same-sex marriage is against the Bible, let me point out that Sodom and Gomorra were DESTROYED because they practiced SAME-SEX RELATIONS. Lot even offered to give the Sodomites his daughters if they would leave the men alone, but instead, the Sodomites asked for the "beautiful men" with Lot, or in other words, the angels. Now, don't get me wrong, I have a friend who happens to be a lesbian. I don't hate the people, I hate their actions. If they want to get married, it's their decision. However, I will vote on the issues according to MY beliefs.

Another reason my friends and I are so supportive of McCain-Palin is that they want to do something about the No Child Left Behind act. Palin has a child with Down's Syndrome, so she knows what she is talking about. Yes, I realize the child is a baby right now, but babies tend to grow up. Palin believes that handicapped children slow down the class. This is true. If you follow the NCLB act, and there is a handicapped person in the class, the entire class will be slowed down. As a future teacher, I will support anyone who believes in bettering the school system. Well, Biden decided to take a crack at the disabled persons issue. Apparently, he made a very "uneducated" remark about disabled children. My friends, having taken a class with Dr. Ezell (a teacher here), immediately knew that she would be throwing a fit if she were watching the debate, and they made a comment about that. Merry disagreed with my friends, saying that her father worked with disabled people.

This brings me to my main point: do NOT base your opinions solely on what your parents say! Your parents will not be marking the ballot for you, so please, grow a brain and take a look at where the candidates stand on the issues. Another thing: do NOT base your vote solely on political party! Again, please grow a brain and take a look at where the candidates stand on the issues! I can not stress this fact strongly enough!

Of course, the issues aren't the only important thing. Also, take a look at the little gestures the candidates make. The best candidate for the next American president should not believe that the American flag is a "symbol of oppression to other countries". He should not have a problem with the American national anthem. His wife should not be ashamed to live in America. He should be proud to salute the American flag. What country does he think is voting on who the next American president is?

Well, that's all I have for now. Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Hold your breath because tonight will be the night that I won't fall for you.~~
