Do You Like Waffles?

Mood: Tired...
Music: t.A.T.u. "Not Gonna Get Us"

Well, I woke up late this morning. Me and Tobi usually get up around 6:00am to 6:50am. We woke up at 7:15am. And here lately, it's been quite chilly in the mornings and evenings. When the sun's up, it's fine, though. Fall is officially here! I wanna go build a giant pile of leaves and just fall back into them...

Hm...Tomorrow is me and Daku's 10 month anniversary. Huzzah! Longest relationship I've ever held! We're planning on keeping it that way. Yep yep, I'm keeping him forever!

In other news, my last boyfriend, Aaron, is getting married on Friday. Here's the short version of the story:
We started dating May 2007. After 2 months, he decided to try to get me to have sex with him. His attempts failed, but took me farther than I wanted to go. I moved to college in August 2007, and Aaron broke up with me for another girl. He slept with that girl, thereby losing his virginity. Their relationship lasted a month. Well, he got into a relationship with a girl at his place of employment, they had sex, she got pregnant, and now they're getting married. Funny turn of events, ne? Daku tells me constantly how happy he is that the girl having Aaron's baby isn't me.

You're all probably wondering about me and Daku's story now, ne? Well, we'll save that one for another time. Right now, I need to go read Ben Franklin's autobiography. Then I have class at 10am.

Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Yeah, I used to could do the splits...until the rigor mortis set in!~~
