......no touching the feet!

Ok my little lemurs!

Now I have chapter three of Blade and chapter two of Tewoeklon are up on their sites, ready to be read!! And while i'm at it please read Tewoeklon, I need to get some reviews and feedback on that story. PLEASE!!!!

Aside from the begging, I do have some doodles!!!! And yes, all but two of them are the same doodles I have been talking about^-^ My lazy nature tis but overwhelming, what can I say. However there is some news to my drawingness! Yes, i have yet again changed my face style!!! It is new and I got the idea from a head tutorial I had been looking at for one drawing that I was trying to do with a face pose I had never done before, and I decided 'you know, I really like this look...I think i'll keep it!' and that's sort of how it happened, yes....0.o Now the other drawing I have with the new style is actually a little character reference(new character in Tewoeklon) in my little notebook. Which brings me to another topic, I have several several several silly blob doodles as I call them and I like them so much I will be posting them here soon!!! Yes, you shall all be exposed to my insanity on paper with words!

Before I leave you all to ponder my phrasing which is weird today...0.o... I must alert you to the fact that the drawing I had been working on which induced my thoughts for style changing is unfortunately on I cannot post here due to nudity. So, if you wish to see it I will post a link here to it on my other artsite DeviantART. I know many of you are also a part of deviantART and if you feel so compleled watch me there or just say hey or comment or something...whatever^-^


P.S. To lazy for tagsd or spell check...hehe^-^
