I'm burgling, commiting arsen, frightening small children with sticks, and engendering public nudity

I'm burgling, commiting arsen, frightening small children with sticks, and engendering public nudity among the homeless...you know normal things.]

Surprise, surprise!! It is I and I'm here to impart wisdom upon you whether you wish it or not.

Besides that intro, my days lately have been boring. I have watched seven movies in two days: Titanic, Hancock, The Terminal, Sleepy Hollow, The Dutchess, Ghost Town, and Dan in Real Life. If anyone has any good ideas for movies to watch then please tell, I am so bored.

However, despite the depth I have seemed to fallen into I do have two drawings in the works...though one is a little old and still yet to be completed. Well, you know me it's not like that's an unnatural occurance, is it? Hehe.

Leaping to yet another topic, I still have to decide on what to do about Blade. I'm in a quandry...quandri? Quandre...i?? You get my point. I just don't know if I can still go on with that rubbish in tow. People may have liked it but the chapters were merely laced with complex phrases and descrpitions, none of you really have any idea of what's going on do you?? Though despite that, even if I intend to stop writing Blade, I will probably post the still beaten and hanging open chapter nine. And if that is it's untimely end I will be sure to make the ending something totally unexpected and worthy of my insanity, as well as entirely contrary to the actual plot. NOw, while continueing in story mode I will be now officially presenting my new story Tewoeklon. I absolutely love it. I have currently submitted chapter one to the fan words section of theotaku...however it will also probably not make it through as did Blade. I bet I didn't edit it enough for there standards or something:P Regardless, if it does not make it through It will still be posted on its own world!!! *do do doodloo-oo-do-do-do* (ps not as confusing as you think-if you have seen Emporer's new groove just remember when he whistles the little happy parade song when he's got his little Kuzcotopia at the beginning^-^). If I ever get around to finishing and scanning in these doodles for it I will try to have them posted with chapter two which is done by the way and chapter three is being written. They will all also be posted on fictionpress as per usual.

I believe that is all I have to ramble about for now. Oh and if you hadn't noticed for my previous post I have decided to discontinue HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLES, that was just a little treat that you had to be here to enjoy. ^-^ I will continue to have weird and random titles though, I will just leave to desyphering to you people. Hmm...something tells me I shall regret that?? 0.o Oh well!

Bye bye sweet parakeet, I knew thee well while manuvering through rotten beets.

Hehe...I made a rhyme:P

Oh and may all tags and typos slip through my wild mammal trap inthe kitchen!!!(courtesy of Hunter-AFI-vegan ambassador to Macbeth...he gets fancy suits!)>
