eventhough i am pretty sure non of the pageviews here are of ACTUAL readers, but instead random bystanders caught in my entopy vortex, i thought i would go ahead and give a shot at asking this...this way i can tell my friends there that i at least TRIED *nod*

so, i am apart of this little writing community, very tiny, and we are trying to revitalize the site some and inorder to do such we are in desperate need of active noobs! and by active noobs i mean people who don't just come in and make an account and vanish entirely, but people who actually post works, comment and give constructive criticism on other people's pieces, and participate in some of the random ranting posts and commentery of silliness, and often cats for some reason, we do *nodnod* :3

the site is writerfriendly

we are a small, tight knit community who are friendly, active for the most part--life happens to everyone--, and enjoy writing of all kinds! we, the ones currently active there, have been in a sort of writing slump and again trying to bring some life back by noob hunting, which is always hard to do *nod* with the hopes of other writing pieces being up will bring back some of the initial spirit of the site, for writers to be among writers and enjoy having their pieces read by others and advice given C:

also, we recently being a fortnightly(at least for now) prompt event! something to get the writing juices flowing, to make you just write and not worry about it

so if there are any of you who REALLY read this and would like to become a real part of this little community of ours, then please head over, make and account, and post in our newly made newbie thread to introduce yourself! :D

i look forward to hearing you WILL be abiding by my subliminal wishes, yes?? >:[ good.

*pets fat lap cat with sinister grin of mischievousness*

P.S. my username is itsufer, so there shall be an aquintated perhaps maybe something or other person face thing there should you chose to come. and you will, won't you >:{3 yes, obey the mustachioed one. you shall indeed.

*cackles a bit, scares cat, legs bleeding now...passing..out...falls over*
