Write Hope for Japan--EDIT!

The tragedy in Japan is devestating. Live are ruined irrevecably. I'm sure we all know what has happened by now and are praying and/or desiring to help.

Some help by doing art commissions or writing, but we who aren't as gifted--or not enough to sell something-- can help by spreading the word!

Write Hope for Japan started as a facebook event, much like "To Write Love on Her Arms", but instead of 'Love' you write 'Hope' on either your arm or hand. Filling in the "o" with red.

The event spans the entire month of March.

Here is the facebook event link: WriteHopeforJapan facebook event

External Image

The HOPE link now goes to the event website!! Where there is more detailed information on the disaster abnd what's going on as well as several ways to donate, and then soon there will be a donation shop!

Come join us and/or check out the site!! Tell your friends--that's what i'm doing! ^ 3^
