Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

I don't have any scuba gear and rather not get the benz

Hey everyone!!! I don't remember the last time I posted nor can I recall what it was about...but anyway!

School started again. Things are going to get annoying again. Hopefully I can get some work done, not school work but art work.

I did recently start working more on chapter eight of Blade! So maybe I can get it fully written soon so I can work at getting up ready for peering eyes. Though it may be a while...I’m still slumped in this block and no one seems to want me to have a ladder. And as I’m sure you all know (I actually have no idea if you know this or not) it's very hard to climb a wall with something to assist you.

I'm going to try to finally finish my sister's birthday drawing! And then get to Insane's birthday drawing. Which I have actually had planned out for a little while. One day I just sketched some torsos and they ended up two great designs!! One is Insane's and the other is my sister's. Then the writings and I have a few books I still need to get to. Busy I will be, but done I shall make them!

Well, I have to go do my Geometry homework. I don't want to but I have to I’m already almost 2 hours behind my usual schedule. Bye bye!

P.S. The title is just a phrase I made up as a smart-aleck retort to someone saying we needed to delve into something. Also I'm not messing with the tags right now so just don't worry about them. Like you ever do^-^

once upon a time...

Ok, last night I was hunting around for some things (forever!) and then came back here to do a check on some stuff. While I was here though, I wanted to change my comment/pm font and style. So of course I needed to post something to test the set up, because you just can't trust that what you choose is going to be exactly what you get. Anyway, to do this I started making up a little story, just to have something longer than a few words. And the little stupid story evolved into a little bit longer stupid story and since i'm just so awesome to you all, I have decided to show it! So here it is.

Once upon a Time.

Once upon a time there was a gentle village that was known for its lovely lands and treasured crops. Once upon the same time there was a very large potato that wondered aimlessly in hopes of finding his true purpose, which the great water spirit predicted he would meet. And but of course, as the legends go, potatoes can be very impatient just as humans are often too prideful. Now as the potato traveled he happened to come to a serene little oasis in the west’s lush forests and valleys as the sun reached its zenith. When the inhabitants of the small town saw the creature they drew looks of disgust and sneered at the ugly thing; all of them thinking he could easily try to poison what they had worked so hard for. Such is the curse of the nightshade clan. This being true, they immediately tossed him from the peaceful gardens and banished the robust vegetable forever, hoping to never have it tarnish their homes good name again. The poor potato only watched on sadly as he continued with his endless mission to discover his destiny. And so the lonely spud wondered. He traversed many distances, going east, north, and south, but alas could not find that which he sought. Aching and slipping inside his own tough skin, the heart broken and exiled being looked to the sky and prayed that the spirit would help him. The small oracle heard her dear friend mourn his failure, although she could do nothing and there was nothing that could be done. So she watched the sky and trusted the fates to the times. Deep within the vast grasslands in the western paradise, the fulsome villagers wiped their sweat drenched brows and found they were sad. Each with their own thoughts at heart our fabled friends looked to the future. On a particularly nice yet breezy day, the abandoned and tired tuber laid its head upon some sweet grass tufts beneath a large willow tree and moaned out his sorrows. So loud were his troubles that the humans, who once hated him, heard his grief and called for him. But the lowly vegetable had slipped into sleep, with the placid seer beside him, although he did not know it. When the villagers finally discovered the outcast, he was gone from the world and his heart mashed to pieces. The people of the sacred west cried over the tuber, asking his departed self to forgiven their folly. But he never did come. For three generations he did not appear and for three generations the once proud town passed its most shameful story onto its descendants. Slowly but surely the children to the past continued their ancestors legacy. On the 10th day of harvest, while the earth spun to meet the sun at its highest, the forlorn potato appeared in the grasses. He smiled warmly and whispered his secret, telling us the truth behind their journeys and of his meeting with fate. Each story had had its purpose and both legends were entwined. See the poor, forsaken vegetable of the nightshade tribe was meant to die, was foretold to travel incessantly without his intent being met, and was ordained to change the once arrogant lives of the villagers forever. Because once upon a time never happened to just one person, but to a potato.

The End.

Now wasn't that a great bedtime tale!! Well, it's very dumb and short...however it's funny^-^ At least I think so. Perhaps because I remember what it used to be. Hehe! Actually it ended up having a nice-ish ending when in the beginning he was just banished, then wondered, then died^-^ HAHAHAHA! I'm so evil:P Oh adn did you catch my joke?? I said his heart was mashed to pieces, and he's a potatoe...get it?! I thought it was funny.

younger grew faster

I have a new drawing up. It's the one of the three that wasn't done. However I needed to finish it since today is my mom's birthday.

So yeah....that's pretty much all I have to say. Oh and I started volunteering at a pet hospital or something like that on thursday's, friday's, and every other saturday's. So on those days there is a chance that I won't be on. Just a head's up!

...so sad...

I'm back!!! Ah yes, the three or so who care know now. I am back. Joy floods through you all. I know, I know.

Anywho, there will actually be three drawings coming. The one I mentioned earlier, and two others. One incomplete, and the other not even down yet.

Talk later!

the world may never know

Ok, ok I have some sad news...I will be leaving for vacation tomorrow morning and I won't be back until Friday evening and probably won't get on until the following Monday! *GASP* How, oh how will you EVER survive without me!? The world may never know. Like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop...never.

Anywho! In other news, that being non- candy related, I had started a drawing a couple days ago that was unfortunately never completely finished. Stupid hands. I was tired, it was late, I’m still in a freaking artist's block, and so the creation of hands (this also applies to the female) and some detail and calves were yet to be added to the male. Though I did finish the female for the most part...she actually started out as something completely different, than lazy me did quick sketchy features and hair but they actually started looking pretty good so I finished doodling her. The main reason I drew it was because I have had this song stuck in my head for a while. It's the ending song to the anime Vampire Knight (also manga), Still Doll by Wakeshima Kanon. If you get a chance please listen to it, it's really cool^-^ It is considered a classical piece and it is kind of but it's so good...and I’m a weirdo so taking me to heart is probably not the best idea for you sane people, if that is infact an adjective even applicable considering anyone reading this has most likely been perusing others I’ve written. ...0-o But whatever. I love the song and the drawing is inspired by it. I’ve decided it will be called Miss Alice. For those who actually go, find, AND listen the song, you will understand the name and if you interpret the feel of the song as I did you will understand the wardrobe a bit in the piece (meaning my doodle). However do not misunderstand and think this is some great work of art. It's not, it was a little thing I did and really do like but it's not extravagant, colored, or intricate. So don't get too excited. You’ll hurt yourself.

Well, that's about all I had to say. I'll see you all in a week!!! Perhaps I’ll get some drawings done while I’m gone^-^

But don't expect anything. =_=