Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

i'm still alive; have no fear, itsuma is here!

Yes yes, i am still existent!

I have just been busy and excessively lazy, as usual of course. Aha. *eye roll*

Well, now eventhough i have not really had much of anything appear...although i did just FINALLY put up a simple, little valentine's day wallpaper of Amu from Shugo Chara. Nothing great or up to par with my normal i think, but it's a cute thing and i like it i suppose. *nod nod* yes!

i have been working on some drawings and many older ones that i seriously NEED to finish up!! OR i will eat myself i think. Nom Nom all up. Yes...i will do that.

Anyways, some things are being worked on and coming!! Never fear my darlings, i am going at it despite the laziness and lack of doing anything school related, ehe *hides*

Let me see, now i have some fanart, some little things for Tewoeklon and The Catalyst, a few things for friends--beware two have gore! ;P, and some lovely yaoi too! *giggles*

Chapters have been so slow though i did finally get chapter eleven of The Catalyst up, though it was finished back when chapter six of Tewoeklon was done. Alas, i had not yet done its final edit and that took me some time to get done....cause i am a lazy moron -_- However chapter tweleve of The Catalyst is being written and chapter seven of Tewoeklon is nearly complete...though i believe i shall rewrite it and save parts of what i wrote for later. It just feels so wrong...i don't like it.

Anywho, chapters are being pushed a little more and drawings as well! I hope to have something new up at the end of this week! My weekends are going to be very busy as it is now Choir Contest season and after last weekend's contest, we also have one this weekend and next weekend..while having a Pop's concert the day before that third competition. Sigh...busy busy.

Toodles my lovlies, i shall attempt future contact soon!

OH!! Before i forget, here is one of my lovely senior pics!! My photographer actually sumbitted one from this shoot--the dungeon--to a contest and needs me to come recreate it!! X3 I feel special!!! Her name is JJ Kaplan, she has a facebook page and website: www.colormyworldstudios.com

External Image

I am awful....here is a list though!

SORRY SORRY FOR NOT BEING EXISTENT AT ALL!!!! I have been lazy and sleepy and stuff with school and blah blah blah. *shuts self up* Anyways, i thought i would put up a listing of all the stuff i have pilled up and why i keep being gone and not having any new stuff up!! Those not including ONE wallpaper i did recently for Valentine's day. Which i really need to get up....then my writing has been really slow but i'm almost done with Chapter Seven of Tewoeklon! That's something at least..0,o Well, i have to go shower...sigh...

Here it goes, i will put it up from oldest to newest...as best as possible

/////Old, incomplete[never to be either] drawing for inking practice: 85%

/////Kapranova Gift Art for AvariceTears(who is no longer here): 45%

/////May Yelena Character Reference Contest Entry for AvariveTears(who is no longer here): 95%

/////Re-post of "Christmas Shopping"; SessKag Fanart: 99%

/////Yaoi/BL art[WARNING: I will very likely have to put this onto my Y!Gallery and paperdemon only, however i will put up a preview here ^-^]: 70%


/////Free commission/gift art for a friend on deviantART [WARNING: gore]; Kagome and Kagura fanart: 35%

/////Gift art for a friend on deviantART(same person as free commission) [WARNING: strong gore]--as compensation for sucking at art and also for being HORRIBLE at getting things in on time --: 1%

/////Art trade with a friend on deviantART; her OC's Death and Kid; Yaoi/BL/Shonen Ai: 1%

/////Takanari(Gentlemen's Alliance Cross) and InuYasha; sexy; gift fanart for my dear sibling, inu--yasha; very late christmas gift: 1%

/////Kemonomimi female; gift art for close friend, Mero, or merokoyui4; 1%

Everything above the line has been in my folder for months, everything after is relatively new or almost barely even started it's so newish. All brand new ideas however i will try my hardest not to start...cause i'm simply ITCHING to draw some new Tewoeklon fanart...cause, I REALLY need some updated and expanded work for that story.

For those with curiousity about any future explicit Yaoi art/fanart that i do, my Y!Gallery and paperdemon accounts are the only places these pieces will be! My username is Itsumademo for each. So far the only explicit one i have going is the one that's still in my folder...BUT I have several lovely ideas buzzing around in my head, so there will be more eventually! Hopefully once i get these old drawings knocked out of the way I shall be speedy in all my new ideas! Which consist of the following topics:

-SessKag(InuYasha) Fanart
-CielSebastian(Kuroshitsuji), Yaoi Fanart
-SasuSaku(Naruto) Fanart
-Tewoeklon art
-The Catalyst art
-UsagiMisaki(Junjo Romantica), Yaoi Fanart
-Yaoi/BL fanart
-new chibi's for several things
-HoroLawerence(Spice and Wolf) Fanart
-YuuriWolfram(Kyou Kara Maoh) Yaoi Fanart
-HaruTama(Ouran) Fanart
-InuKag(InuYasha) Fanart
-Random Yaoi Art :shrug:

sooo.....yeah, those are some of the many ideas i have in regards to new art!! As you can plainly see, i REALLY need to get a move on with the old drawings i have!!

Anyway, that's all for now! TOODLES!

...oh what hell this ill screw has fallen into...


So, yes I am still full of ill...though much less i would say....BUT to top off this illness i have gotten, my sister came home today after going to the doctor to find out that she has caught the infamous SWINE FLU!!!! XD HAHAHAHAHA, we haven't stopped laughing and making jokes about it either ^-^ Ahhh...so she's home sick and tomorrow is the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. SOOOOoooo i have to go and get my makeup work and books as well as my siblings books. UGHS! Poor meh can't carry that much! And on top of that, tomorrow is morning group!! (an optional ensemble for choir) SIGH, so i have to be up even earlier now!! ...my head hurts just thinking about it... *faints*

At least it's just one more day. The only thing that sucks is how behind i am now. Three days of missing school. OH and i missed all the dissection work too! UGHSSSSS I completely forgot!!!!! DARN IT!! *rams head into concrete wall* Just thinking of all the stuff I have missed makes my brain want to commit suicide...twice. Two essays at least, a quiz for sure, lots and lots of notes, the dissection stuff i bet as well as lectures for it, oh and a government project! A GROUP project! Oh my poor partner...plus whatever tests might have appeared during this time. T^T WAHH!

Well, i'm royally screwed. A screw I am. And so as my friend, mero, says "I rape empty holes". HAHAHA...oh.....punny.....*ahem* But yes, so sucky and screwed am I.

That chaos aside however!! I wish to inform you all that I shall do my best to get some new drawings done over break. I have already started something new at least. So far i'm not sure if it's going to be a serious drawing or a partially serious drawing; it's an entirely different perspective for me. SOOOO who knows!? ^-^

Ahhh well....yeah.................0,o.............byebye then dearies....

Check out me and my friend's site ShojoWorld, as well as our podcast for the site Sho-Rant (currently still updating--had a few set backs with school, illnesses, and stupid audacity deletions >:P )!!! Please PLEASE check out them both!! Our podcast can be found on iTunes, search Sho-Rant and click on the one with my logo drawing, not the other one (that one is wrong and we are trying to delete it)!!! We can also be found on podcast alley, supposedly at least...(the search still won't ackowledge our existence T^T) My friend and I would so immensily appreciate any subscriptions, views, comments, critique, votes, emails,...anything!!!!! Please, it would be very greatfully recieved. Thanks again! ^-^

i still has an ill...but wif kitteh ears! :3 *puuurrrrr*


now, I still have an ill and such, however I wanted to pop in and say i is a bit better! yeah! ^-^ got medications and such to assist my white blood cells and what not. *giggles*


OH! ...i has also been a BIT peculiar today too ;D....bewares that insanity...

also also! yesterday, despite being ill, i did my very best to go to my first anime convention with my sister, Kika and our friend Mero!!! it was not amazing or anything but I had a good time^-^ it was a brand new convention so it wasn't all that in comparison with others, however we plan to go to more in the future!! :P but i liked it and for once felt normal!! HAHA! *dances in circles* i can't wait to go to another one!! and then i may dress up for that one!!! hehe *nya nya* *puuuurrrrssss*

and since i ended up with a really good pic of meh there in the little cat ears i bought while purusing the dealers at the con I shall put that here! ^-^ hehe woo! ...0,o oh the things illness, excessive medication, sleep deprivation (sort of), and almost 3 day foodlessness can do to meh! AHAHA! *giggles in corner*

here I am!--Teh Original Nya! :3
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not great of my ears though, they is black with red fuzz and a red bell on one ear and thens red and black ribbons on each ear ands some black beads too! WOO! i hearts mah ears^-^ *nuzzles*

well....teh ill one who is meh is off for more site lurkery!! HEHE! ^-^ *puuurrsss* :3 i have actually been purring a lot lately...like in real life..0,o...hehe silleh meh! i beh a weirdo ;P

*waves* byebye my sweeties!! ^-^



yes, well....ehurm...

i am ill. that is all.

toodles, my darlings.

*cough* *hack* *ache* *die in corner*

(P.S. this is the ...relatively less insane part of itsuma's brain, she only has a sinus infection...nothing contagious or anything like that...merely unfortunate part of life and allergies...that is all from me.)

*shoves percieved sanity into a box* *continues dying miserably in corner*