A world where I can put random stuff. Maybe some rants. Who knows with me..

Name: Alison

Nick Names: Ali, Essence, Ess, Wolf girl, Ali-cat (you can call me Ess or Essance here)


Hair color: dark brown

Eye color: brown

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, taking photos

Likes: Wolves, The moon , Reading, Nature, Writing, Turtles, Angels, Knights, The night (I'm a night owl), Black and white photography, Music, Rain, Fall,

Dislikes: Annoying people, Hot weather (I rather have it cold), Pain,

Animals: Got a pit bull/lab mix named Ashe

Favorite animal: Wolf and dogs

Favorite food: I'm not that picky so I'll eat almost anything

Favorite color: Blue and green

Favorite author: Book wise it's between Darren Shan and James Patterson

First Manga: Chibi Vampire

First Anime: I think it was Naruto

Places you can find me

Devianart: iamEssence



I'm home! I'm so stinken tired so I'll talk to you people later I guess. Oh and my camara peoblem..Yeah it's the camara not the card...Sigh.


So I will be away from wensday till sunday this week. I'm actully going to creation fest with my youth group. It's going to be fun ^^ anywho I'll be on tomorrow than I'll be one till suday. So yep

Angel and Demon

I found this on my computer but I don't remember taking the pic and putting it on my computer than I remembered I took it with my phone and it's all small. So here have a piece of art till I get off my butt and get my camera fixed. ...

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Art block...GONE!

No more art block! woo! I've been sketching away a lot lately. I think in the pass two days I've sketched up to maybe 5 diffrent things. Though they are just very sloppy sketches. But they are ...

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Sigh art block....

I'm in such an art block lately. I have no idea what to draw yet I really want to. So I guess till I can figure out what to draw I'll write? Meh not the same but whatever. I guess if you want me to draw you something I can but you wont see it for ...

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