Prologue:: Past Mistakes

"Are...all of them okay?"
"I'm not sure."
Aqua eyes looked up slowly and connected with another pair of crimson orbs.
"Where were you? When the main fighting was going on, I didn't see you anywhere."
The person with crimson eyes sighed and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, Sakura."
Sakura blinked and stood up, her black cloak flowing gracefully. "Sorry for what?"
Sakura gasped suddenly as the boy with crimson eyes leaped at her, claws unsheathed. She barely managed to dodge the attack. "Zakuro! What the hell are you doing!?" She screamed.
"I didn't have it happen this way. I wasn' weren't supposed to..."
"Fall in love with you?" Sakura finished quietly. Zakuro nodded numbly.
"You were working for the demons the whole time? You were a spy?"
Zakuro nodded again.
"I'll never forgive you for this."
The boy leaped again and punched her temple. Before she went unconsious, Sakura heard him whisper, "I don't deserve forgiveness, anyway."
