Good/Evil Twins

I finished another drawing! This is the one I threw together mega-fast for when the reporter came to my place to take pictures. lol! It’s one I’ve been wanting to do for a long time though…pretty much a sequel to my older drawing called, ‘Tamaki’s Shoulder Angels.’ But which one is the good twin and which is the bad one? Kaoru and Hikaru? It’s also very difficult to draw twins…lol! Hard to make 2 characters look alike in one picture.XD But yes, it’s already doing very well on Deviant Art. YAY! So, if you could just take a look at it here and comment, I’d be very appreciative:

Link to Drawing

And speaking of reporters and such, that article has already been written and printed about me in our local newspaper! That was dang quick! The article is really long too with a full color picture of me working on the piccy above and the reporter decorated the title with my last drawing of the chibi cover to my Naruto Catchphrase comic. I’ve already been contacted by 3 different people wanting to commission me for work! Spiff-tastic.
