
Thanks to everyone who checked out my Naruto parody comic! And yes, I purposely made the ending Looney Tunes/Animaniacs-eque since I have a guilty pleasure in incorporating Warner Brother’s into anime pieces. Anyway, here’s a link in case you haven’t seen the it yet:


So, I spent all of Saturday doing nothing but watching movies! lol! I told myself since I finished the Naruto comic, I was going to treat myself to a day of movies and I wouldn’t feel guilty about it! I tend to not watch flicks because as I’m sitting there I feel as if I should be working on something. So I ended up watching, August Rush (the rhapsody piece played at the end of that made me cry is was so amazing), Enchanted ( a movie I’ve been wanting to see and it was very cute), The Other Boleyn Girl (I had read the book and downloaded the movie…got a perfect DVD quality too even though it’s still in theaters…>_>), the 2nd Death Note Movie (for those who don’t know, it’s a the 2nd live-action flick and people have asked this but these 2 movies are NOT a new story…it follows the manga/anime from beginning to end. The 2nd movie completes the series. The actor who plays L…my gawd is he amazing. It’s like the plucked him right out of the manga!), and last but not least, I watched the first 4 episodes of Prince of Tennis (I had NetFlixed the series and I’m glad I never BOUGHT this series because they only put 4 episodes per disk?! WTF?! Rip-off!!! Hence why I NEVER buy the American box sets. Buy the Japanese box sets and they’ll fit 12 episodes per disk and they’re dirt cheap as well!). So yes, it was a movie-rriffic day!

I took a bunch of screenshots of L from the 2nd Death Note movie so you can see for yourself how much the actor looks like L. The actor sure did his homework to get the mannerisms and such exactly like the L character. I took a lot of screenies but I’ll only share some...but since we're only allowed one picture per post I collaged some of them together. More can be seen on myOtaku site:
