Believe it!...Again!!

In case you didn’t notice…theme change! Woot! It’s by one of my fave DA artists, Heise…I had bought her artbook and this is one of my fave pieces of hers. Her artworks are full of bishies! lol!

I finished my Naruto parody comic! Some people have already seen it and I appreciate those who have already done so! The comic is very short and a fast read so I’d appreciate those who haven’t checking it out!


And with my last post about my friend, Tyler asking me out on a date, I got some pretty good comments. Baka no Hanyou’s made me burst out laughing:
“god, FINALLY you go out with one of them. It was like watching a bad shoujo manga. I just kept wondering how long it would take...”
lol! But we went out last night to a Japanese restaurant and we both sat at the hibachi table. It's always fun watching them to their little tricks and stuff...our chef though at one point was doing tricks with an egg and he accidentally flung it and it broke on the table. lol! Luckily, no one was sitting there but his face was pretty funny and then he says, "Oh no, next time you come back here I may be gone. They fire me over broken egg!" Heehee! Cute in that Japanese accent and he was kidding of course but I don't often see the chef's make mistakes.XD The food was yummy and then Tyler came back to my place and we watched a funny Chinese horror movie called, Mr.Vampire. It was so funny...we had BOTH the subbs and subbs on and it was hilarious how much they didn't match. So, the night went well and we'll be having another date next week.
