Over Already

Well, I broke up with Boots (Shawn) already. lol! I don’t want to go into huge details but pretty much, he invited me over to his place after work and when I got there, he was (pardon my French) shit-faced drunk and he was basically crawling all over me and trying to move things WAY too fast. After talking to his friend, Jenn (who is also a coworker of mine) she said that he has that problem, he drinks too much and then screws up relationships with girls! I called him today to let him know that I can’t be with someone who’s like that. I’m not a whore and have morals, dangit! lol! He was very understanding and he felt really really bad that he put me in such an awkward situation and he wishes he hadn’t invited me over when he was drunk. Ah well, I’m not really upset since we had only gone out about 6-7 times by then and I always say, it only takes ONE instance to show someone what kind of person you really are and/or to totally f-things up with someone and he pretty much did just that. He f-ed up! But I’m glad I saw this side of him prior to us getting serious.

So, other than that I’ve been good. I had to work on Easter…big shocker. It’s a major holiday of course my boss makes ME work since I’m young, without children and therefore, have no life! The casino was very busy that day too…nothing yells Easter better then gambling some hard-earned money away! *rolls eyes*
On a totally different note, I finally caved and got a NetFlix account…probably since I was tired of going to video stores and them not having what I wanted. NetFlix is awesome. I didn’t realize how much anime they had! Pretty much if it’s been released on DVD, they will have it. I’ve already added the entire first season of Prince of Tennis on my list and I’ll be getting that next. Wohoo! I added soooo much to my list already but I need to stop since I’m going nuts with this thing.XD

Picture of the Day comes from Lamento:
