Cuteness Overload!!

I had a great couple days! On Firday, my pal Tyler came to my place and we played Super Smash Bros. Brawl for like, 7 hours. lol! We took breaks in-between when Ty treated me to pizza and wings. YUMM! And then he brought over a NetFlix Korean horror movie called, Two Sisters. The movie was really confusing but then we played more Brawl and come 4am we kept on saying,..“Really, just ONE more match and then we’re done!” He didn’t leave till about 6am.

Then the next day, Ty, Phil, and I went to this big mall that’s about 1 ½ hours away called the Carousel Mall (called that since there’s a big carousel in it). I bought another Wii controller and nunchuck for when people come over to play…I was pissed…I didn’t realize they sold the remote and the nunchuck separately! LAME! Good way to scam people into spending more money. Hmph! There was this one thing that was really funny…Ty needed to get new shoes and Phil thought he wanted some new ones too and it was so backwards…I was like, “C’mon guys…I want to go to Best Buy and Circuit City!” While Tyler and Phil were, “No, I need to look at shoes!” lol! It was so backwards and I think our sexes magically got reversed for awhile since they later went clothes shopping while I wanted to go to Borders. lol!

So, back at the NY Anime Festival, my pals and I saw part of the live-action movie based on the manga/anime, Love*Com, sometimes also referred to as, Lovely Complex, which is a story about a really tall girl and a really short guy who start to fall in love with each other but neither want to date someone shorter or taller than them. Well, we didn’t get to see the whole movie since we had another event to go to but from what I saw of it I loved. It was one of those movies that just makes your want to squeal it’s so cute and I was disappointed I never got to see the whole thing. I found the movie on ebay and I got it today and watched it. It’s just so cute! Puts a big goofy grin on my face both the main actress and actor are so adorable. I really liked the actor who played Otari (the short guy) and after seeing him I thought, man, if they ever did a live-action movie or show of Fruits Basket this guy HAS to play Momiji! He has that cute, sweet, bouncy personality. The actor’s name is Teppei Koike and he’s left-handed and a singer too! lol! But here’s a picture of him: *pinches his cheeks*
