You can’t stay young forever but you can be immature for the rest of your life.
Welcome to my mind. I’m an animal loving, bishie crazed, Dorito munching, ramen eating, elf obsessing, manga reading, fairy fluttering, anime watching, video game playing, lovable artist who tends to find humor in the most idiotic ways…comes from a childhood of nothing but Looney Tunes and Animaniacs.

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I tend to bounce between here and my first love, MyOtaku
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A Raise, Finally

So, I should have my Naruto comic done by Monday or so. I have the comic itself done I just have to color the cover page. Don’t expect this to be a serious comic…it’s actually kinda picking on Naruto and it’s only a little 3 pager. I’m not even going to shade it all, just pretty much keeping it line-art.
My boys are coming over Saturday night. We found a Mario Kart drinking game and are going to have fun with that.XD We’re also are going to watch some movies. Woot!

Whelp, I got a raise at work. Freakin’ finally. It only took about a year and a half of hard work to get it. Feh! I don’t know how familiar you guys are with Unions but they’re basically companies whose jobs it is to keep up with the rights of employees and making sure that companies aren’t taking advantage of their workers. Not all that many businesses have Unions but one is trying to get us employees to sign up for it. I mean, everything seems fine and dandy with having a Union at my job but the problem is is a little thing called “Union Dues” which means $8.55 would be taken out of every paycheck I get. Now, that doesn’t seem like a lot but that amount adds up! By then end of the year, they’d have taken almost $600 of my earnings! So, I’m hoping we don’t get a Union at my company (if they get 51% of employees to sign up then we ALL have to pay the dues) since unless they’re going to get me a heck of a big pay raise, it won’t be worth it.

I’m drinking some hot cocoa. Dark chocolate flavor…yumm. I’m a dark chocolate fan over milk. Stinkin’ SessLover18 was saying that it’s too warm where she lives to be drinking hot cocoa. Feh! I wish it were warm here…I’m sick of this cold crap. Although we had a couple days where it was in the 50’s! That was pleasant.
Picture of the Day is of Momiji from Fruits Basket:

The Claws Extend

And oh man, figures when I compare Kyou to a jerk the Kyou fans would spring out with claws extended. Nothing wrong with that but it irritates me when people always throw the “his life has been sooooo much harder then Yuki’s so that’s why he’s the way he is.” Ugh, okay what member in the Sohma family HASN’T had a crappy life? Kyou fans tend to say that Yuki has it easy…apparently people don’t pay attention. Kyou being the cat, isn’t technically a zodiac so he feels left out in that aspect but Yuki, being the rat and therefore, the most praised by Akito is also left out. The entire family resented him as a child and the one time Yuki tries to reach out to Kyou to befriend him he screams at Yuki saying that everyone hates him and wishes he was dead. Kyou lost his mother as a child, Yuki’s parents completely abandoned him, leaving him to Akito in which Akito would lock him in that shed for days on end, beating him and mentally abusing me to the point where Yuki’s self-esteem is zilch-to-none. When he is older, Yuki is swooned over by the ladies but none of them attempt to get to know him. He is viewed as the epitome of perfection and he kills himself to live up to the expectations of others. When Kyou comes to the school, the girls think he’s cute but he manages to snag friends almost instantly making Yuki jealous that Kyou can easily do something that he can’t do. I think what irritates me the most about Kyou is that he’s had a tough life along with every other Sohma, but he chooses to sulk about it all the time and use it as an excuse to be pissed off.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind “the jerks” of the shows, heck Inuyasha is my fave little hanyou! But what I DON’T like about the Tohru/Kyou relationship is that Tohru doesn’t know how to fight back. What makes characters like Kagome and Inuyasha work so well is the fact that he can throw an insult or angry tut at her and she will throw one right back! Tohru is too much of an air-head and while Kyou yells insults at her, she just sits there grinning in lalaland and it’s usually Yuki that knocks some sense into him.XD But I’m glad Tohru prefers Kyou because Tohru doesn’t understand Yuki. That’s why I like Machi so much…while the “Prince Yuki Fan Girls” were yelling at her because she said Yuki wasn’t as great as he seemed she replies, “But he isn’t perfect…he looks….sad.” I was like YES! She gets it! Good thing Yuki heard it too.^^

*Whew* There, just had to stick up for my fave prince, Yuki since people tend to always say that he’s not a good character because he’s too perfect but those are the people who haven’t looked into all the personalities of the Sohma’s. What can I say, I’m a dork and look too deeply into things sometimes. Piccy of the Day is of Yuki and Machi:

Nice Guys Finish Last

I’ve been watching more of the live-action drama, Hana Yori Dango. Gah, it’s so good and addicting! *shakes fist* It’s based off the anime/manga, Boys Over Flowers. I’ve been putting off watching more of this show because not only do when you start one episode…you don’t stop until like, 5 episodes later (each eppi is about 45 mins) and you’re up until 4am because you HAVE to know what happens next! AH! Plus, I don’t want it to end! lol!

But this show leads me to this question…why in animes/mangas do the girls always end up with the jerks? In Hana Yori Dango, the main girl, Makino, bounces back and forth between the ill-tempered, always calls her names and puts her down jerk, Domyouji, to the the super sweet, has saved her butt from getting raped and beat up, and always comes to her when she’s upset guy, Rui. Yet, she seems to lean toward the jerk and I’m like, what the?! That happens in SO many animes/mangas and I tend to compare Domyouji and Rui to Kyou and Yuki since they really are almost exactly alike. lol! Rui’s nickname is even “Prince Charming” kinda like how Yuki in Fruits Basket is called, “Prince Yuki.” Yet Tohru falls for Kyou and Makino falls for Domyouji and the nice guys are left in the dirt. They always end up becoming “the friends” in these stories. Even though yes, I have read all the volumes of Fruits Basket so I do know what happens in Yuki’s love life in the end.

The Picture of the Day comes from Hana Yori Dango. There are 4 main guys in the show but the 2 guys to the left and right of the girl, Makino are the love interests. Domyouji is on the left and Rui is the guy in white on the right and I’m still not done with the show…there’s still a 2nd season to watch!! AH! Though I doubt her and Rui will end up together. *le sigh*


One of my fish came back from the dead. My brother had bought a couple new saltwater fish for his tank (the one that I’m taking care of while he’s away for the army) and there was this one really pretty bright pink and yellow one and I hadn’t seen the little bugger for about 5 days so, I assumed the bigger fish, the Dragon Wrasse, had killed it. But then yesterday I was walking past the tank and low-and-behold, I see a little pink face peeking out from behind a rock and I was like, holy crap! It lives!! I was glad since saltwater fishies are not cheap and it was really pretty and cute so I’m glad it had just been hiding all this time. I guess it was just too shy at first.

So, Friday night, Tyler, Phil, and I went to our friend, Jonesy’s house since he was visiting for the weekend. He stays at his mom’s house when he comes to visit and his mom, who we call ‘Moog’, is the coolest mom ever. She’s half Japanese so she made us a bunch of Japanese food. She made sushi, which I’m not a big fan of but she had some with no fish in it and those tasted good. Tyler had brought over a Japanese zombie movie called, Wild Zero which stars the Japanese rock band, Wild Wolf…yeah, never heard of them either.
But the best part of this movie was, the main character Ace falls in love with this girl named Tobio and they were kissing and stuff and she took off her clothes and that’s when you learn…Tobio was a dude!!! lol! Well, Ace FREAKS out but then the lead member of the Wild Wolf band would come out of nowhere and yell, “Rock and Roll has no discrimination whether it’s race, gender, or beliefs!!!” So, Ace is all like, “Yeah, he’s totally right! Rock and ROLLLLLL!!!” and he turns gay in the end! lol! I was like, “Tyler! What kind of movie did you pick out?!!” And Tyler goes, “I don’t know!!! But since it turns yaoi, do you want a copy?” lol! He knows I have a thing for pretty boy love.XD

I’ve been working on a Naruto comic forever but keep getting side-tracked so today I shall work on it and try and get as much done as possible! *pounds desk*
Picture of the Day comes from Code Geass:


My friend, Tyler sent me like, the best text message ever today. I don’t know how familiar you guys are with Looney Tunes but do you remember the cartoon with Daffy Duck parodying Robin Hood? Well, that is one of my all-time fave Looney Tunes episodes (I’m bias though since Daffy’s my fave XP) but there’s this one part in the show where Daffy is going to swoosh down from a rope and steal money off a rich guy…but he’s unaware that there’s a series of boulders in his way and so he’s at the top of a tree and he yells, “YOIKS AND AWAY!!!” And then *SMACK* into a boulder…but he keeps going and every time re-yells “Yoinks and away” it gets progressively more slurred and more demented since he’s smacking into boulders every couple seconds. I LOVE that part…don’t know why but Gavin and I quote it all the time. Well, Tyler found that clip and text messaged it to me…now, I was at work and having a crummy day and when I got that message, I just laughed and laughed and laughed. People must have thought I was koo-koo but oh man, I saved it and set it so every time I get a text message, I hear that part…”YOIKS AND AWAY!”

And speaking of Looney Tunes I have a funny story about something my kitty, FuzzButt did while I was watching over him at my apartment. I was sitting in the living room and I see FuzzButt walk towards the kitchen and then hear some scuffling sounds. I’m just thinking…oh man, what is he getting into now so I go into the kitchen and look around thinking, where the heck is he? And then I look down and there’s this big moving lump in the middle of my kitchen rug. lol! He had gotten under it and was just having a ball, especially when I went up to him and starting smacking his butt (at least I think it was his butt) saying, “whatcha doin’? watcha doin’?” and he was trying to bite me through the rug which didn’t really work. I then started walking away and turn back and there’s this little white paw sticking out from the corner trying to swat at my feet. Little stinker! And then when he finally came out his fur was sticking up all over the place from the static. But it amused me since it reminded me of Bugs Bunny when he’s traveling underground and you just see a moving lump.

Picture of the Day is appropriately a picture of FuzzButt sleeping in his loft. He’s kinda outgrown it but he loves sleeping on that thing and he gets into the funkiest positions trying to fit in it to sleep. I took it with my camera phone so the quality isn’t great but his cuteness still shows…even if he is a trouble-maker: