October 29th. Depressionn is an odd idea.

Welcome ;')

Well today has been rather odd. Ive felt really random, and I have no reason to have. I've been a bad mood through the most part of the day and have no explanation at all O_o Very strange. Tattooed my fingers, was funn. Looks pretty ace ;'D Learnt a piano piece from twilight. Actually rather stunning. AND OMGSH MORE NEW SCRUBS :D Showed me an awesome song ;') Will be today's lyrics. I think that tomorrow should be much better. Need to find out when the fireworks are :S Going with some people but dont know when :L Should be good ;'D Enough for today, got a friend coming from the south coast tomorrow who I havent seen for a while. Cant wait (:

Lyrics for today: I remember feeling low, and I remember losing hope. We are all innocent - Innocent by Our Lady Peace.

ps. if you are actually reading this then thanks :D Ive seen ive gotten a few views ^^'
