Korean soccer leaders have joined forces to protect player-leader rights and improve treatment

Seol Dong-sik, chairman of the preparatory committee of the Korea Football Leaders Association.

The Korea Football Leaders Association Promoter Competition was held at the industry-academic cooperation center of Dankook University's Cheonan Campus on the 21st. The Korea Football Leaders Association qualifies any soccer leader of all ages in Korea.

Many soccer leaders, including Seol Dong-sik, chairman of the preparatory committee for the Korea Football Leaders' Association, Shin Yeon-ho of Korea University, Park Jong-gwan of Dankook University, and Lee Kyu-joon of Jangan University, sought ways to effectively convey their opinions to the association and take action to improve the treatment of players and leaders and protect their rights. Accordingly, they set up the Korea Football Leaders' Association to establish the Korea Football Leaders' Association. About 150 leaders gathered at the inaugural event.

After completing the formation of the association as a corporation, Seol Dong-sik, chairman of the preparatory committee, said that members to be appointed through election will visit conference halls around the country to explain the association's direction to leaders and encourage them to join the association. 안전 토토사이트

Seol also added that he will hold a preparatory committee for incorporation in January after the promotion competition and complete the registration in February, and will hold the inaugural general meeting of the Korea Football Leaders Association in early March and begin his activities immediately.

The Korea Football Leaders Association said, "We will take the lead in protecting the rights and interests of leaders and improving their treatment, and form mutual aid associations to improve the welfare of leaders as workers." In addition, the association expressed its determination to become a representative organization of leaders that takes the lead in solving problems such as improving the league system and easing the requirements for approval of team establishment to protect the human rights of players."
