Peacemaker pg 2

The dawn began to appear from the murky depths of the night, exploding into a colorful array of catastrophe. The cave outside of the town stayed cool and still held the atmosphere of might that I treasure so much. Laying there on the the cold stone floor, the blind girl slept. The night was laid heavily with her cries, the stone sanctuary howled deeply until her tears ceased and sleep comforted her temporarily with lies of a better tomorrow. I laid back, watching her intently with closed eyes. She stirred. Her eyes opened, no light came through, no color brightened her world, the world became a blank white canvas. She started to feel around her surrounding environment, her sense of touch now more acute than before. "Where am I?" she asked to the air, hoping a captor or a human would hear and call back to her. "Look around you, see for yourself." The reply was swift and came to her ear fast, she understood that I was nearby. "Sir, I cannot see, when I open my eyes all I see is white." I took a hold of her shoulder, so fragile. Coming up to her ear with my breath warm against the cool crisp air, my words tickle her senses faintly, "Try closing your eyes and tell me what you see."
My senses are tickled by his words, a deep voice with a controlling air to it. I do as the voice says, reluctant to the logic he makes. My eyelids shut. I see a cave, a dark cool gray envelopes me as if to embrace me. I turn around to see my captor, or savior. His face, elongated with a few scars on his face, turned to look outside the cave. His eyes were closed as well and his hair, a dark red, laid back to rest at his shoulders. He wore a coat that changed colors, which flowed as though he was wearing the wind. "Who are you, and why am I here" I asked this man. He turned towards me, opening his eyes to show a beautiful purple pupil on a pitch black eye staring into my soul. "Do you remember last night?"
I tried to remember that night, but it was a big blur to me. "What happened last night?"
