Today I went with my mother, grandmother, and Aduro (me sister ) to the Peddler Show over in Fredicksburg (I apologize for my lack of spelling). I thought of bringing my DS along to make the ride "a little quicker," but then I decided against it. When I really thought about it, I realized that it's been ages since we've been out that way and that bringing along portible entertainment would've made me miss all there is to see out there.
I suppose the quickest way to anywhere is along the highway, but I've come to appriciate going along the backroads--which obviously take longer--better. My reasons are because there's usually less traffic, less stress on both the mind and the eyes, and that they're WAY more pretty.
For those who've never been or lived in South Texas and is interested in what it's like, he's a brief overview of what you can expect to find:
- plenty of oaks (due to the lack of annual rain around here, the trees don't get nearly as tall as they do up North. The tallest of the ones around here are either extremely old or grow along the few rivers we have.)
- lots of open fields (almost always on flatlands around in the valleys)
- plenty of livestock (cattle being the main one--this is South Texas I'm talking about
- an odd critter every now and then (examples include antelope, zebras, and llamas ^_^)
- the occasional deer (like the trees up north, the deer here don't get very big...even though they can still leave a good size dent in your car if you're not careful)
- rolling hills and a surplus of open sky (, that was corny...)
The hill country around here, as pretty as it is during the day, the best time to really take a look at it is at sunset. Words, pictures, and especially Hollywood fail to truly capture what that scenery is like, so I'll just leave that up to your imaginations.
Safe driving, y'all! ^_^