Fact: driving skills deminish on payday
Fact: driving skills deminish on Saturday
Mother of all Facts: driving skills deminish the further you get into the Holiday season... =_=;
And good greif, were the fruitloops out today! The city that I live in today decided it best to shut down a portion of a major highway for construction today, so traffic (*laughs sarcastically*) was backed up today. THANK GOD I wasn't the one driving today! I would've probably killed someone for freaking out as much as I did at the parts were it really did look like someone was about to crash into us. (Fortunately, we were in the beast--a 2500 series Suburban that makes my pick-up truck look medium size--today.) These are some of the things that happened to us today:
- We nearly mowed down a small-size car today because they didn't turn on their blinker (*grr*) and decided it best to come into our lane almost at the last minute
- We nearly got hit several times today by medium size vehicles who also didn't use their blinkers (*grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*) and decided to cut in front of us with...hmmm...maybe less than five feet between us?
- If it wasn't for the fact that we STOPPED because of some idiot driving the wrong way in the local Walmart parking lot we would've gone head-to-head with some dumb-ass Tahoe who didn't stop at a stop sign like they were supposed to!
- In that same parking lot, we almost got side-swiped by some old lady who was more than hogging the lane
If you think the ones above were bad, just wait 'till you hear this one that deserves a list all her own:
- When the traffic signal finally went green and the two cars in front of us move on their way, we nearly ran right over the top of this woman in a mini-van with (maybe) four other people in the car because (*heh-heh*) she decides it best to try and pull out of the gas station right in front of us just after we were about to pass that point
- Out of (*cough-cough!*) curtiosy, we let her go first, and she takes next to forever to do so
- Even though the light is still green, she comes to a complete STOP (
- After getting past the light, she STOPS again on the other side of the intersection (
- She then put-puts away at 20mph in a 45mph zone that's void of gutters (so there was no chance we could pass her up for quite some time
- (Did I forget to mention that--up until this next part that coming up--she didn't have her night lights on?)
- When we finally do get to a part of the road that TEMPORARILY spilts off into four lanes and move into the lane next to her to pass her up, she shows off the fact that she couldn't make up her mind on what to do and nearly side-swipes us on the driver's side (
- We finally pass her up, only to discover that she also got into that lane--not realizing that it has a quick end--and nearly rams herself head-on into another car and almost winds up on the side of the road
(Even though I DETEST that woman's driving skills or lack thereof, I really do pray that her and everyone else in the vehicle with her got home in one piece.)
...I don't know if this is true for everyone, but I find it "funny" what you notice about the road after you finally get your licence...