take my hand, let's go, somewhere we can rest our souls....

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We'll sit where it's warm,
You say look we're here alone.

So there is this kid that I think I love love love to death. His name is Austin Lotzschwitz. I've been talking to him basically the whole day. B] He's cheered me up big time, because after hearing the news about Jack's family [which is so very sad; it made me cry, sort of] I needed to not be alone. I can't ever be alone now. It makes me think too much, and I always have to be talking to someone. Thankfully, Austin was such a dear to comment my status on MySpace when I was feeling oh so down.

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I swear, that kid is my best friend. He made me feel a whole hell of a lot better. I'm not dealing with recent events [which is really like a month ago] so well. I miss all my friends from school to death, and especially Hunter. I miss Jake because he moved back to England. I miss my E-Romeo, Jack, because I always miss my cute little adorable thirteen year old from England, and I miss Kaede cause she's never online anymore. Seriously, has anyone heard anything from her? But yeah.

I've been home alone since six. It is almost midnight. I should be off the computer by now. *Is shot* xD

I'm staring at my cellular device in front of me and waiting for Austin to call, even though he said his phone dies right away, because it's a lame fuck. P: But you never know. People manage to do things that are probably crazy sounding. Aha, he should totally come up to Michigan one day, and it's definitely possible. He lives in the state under me B] We'll see what happens. [:

I'm tired. And I have to pee. <3

