Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

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Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim...

I love that movie to hacking death. <3 I think it's just adorable, just because of all the fish, and I love Nemo to death. Oh yeah, the movie is Finding Nemo, if you didn't know that by now... X3 I forgot the fish who likes the bubbles again... His name is Bubbles. I just googled it. >.> I love Bubbles and bubbles... Bubbles is a funny word. Say it out loud. Like the word 'geeky.' Excuse me for my ADD-ness.

I haven't given you guys a decent update for awhile. They've all been short little blips of stupid things. I actually think it's time for me to change my world song, and edit my world info, and go guest post Kitt's world because I only have once the whole week she was gone. She comes back tomorrow. FML. I'm going to change it to Early Mourning by Alesana, the new version, though the original version is so much more mellow.

I did this really nifty thing with my hair on GIMP, which is pretty much a Photoshop thing, but you don't have to pay to get it. I think you can tell which one I edited... If you can't, then you've just failed epically.

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I've gotten a new pair of jeans today at Hot Topic for $20.00, or something around there. They were originally about $40.00, so it was a good price. Here's what they look like.

I don't look the greatest in the picture, because it was really hot and my hair went KERPOOF. Fail. Lol.

I haven't written in the letter that I'm sending to Kitt so she can give it to Jack whilst in England for awhile. >_> I fail. I'm sorry Jack, if you're reading this. You know I still love my E-Romeo. :] And that is a very long story which I do not have the time or patience to tell. :] He knows. Maybe ask him. Actually. He might not tell, either. He's quite a lazy. XD

Um, I talked to Eli after what seemed like forever. He's my hubby <3. Dude, I love that kid to death, haha, he always makes me feel better, even though sometimes it's his fault I'm feeling down. =

My good friend Jenna spent the night. It was amazing. Lawl, we stayed up all night talking to my friend Brian, where he was three hours behind us. We didn't get up until it was about 1 p.m., and we were hyper as crazy kids. :] She's seventeen, though, and I'm fourteen. My mom wonders why we're best friends. Sometimes I do, too. O_______o Oh well. And she just signed onto MSN. I was going to say that I need to send her this and see her reaction. [And Jenna, if you read this? Thug aim.]

I went to the dermatologist today. The popped all the acne on my face, and injected some sort of steroid to stop me from breaking out. X_X I cried. It hurts. X:

I got a lot of stuff on my E-Card, and about a bajillion comments on the post directed in the place. It's crazy, because I've never got that much on an E-card, or anything, to be exact. It was for the Personal Touch contest. If you read a comment I put saying "I hope I make it before the deadline!", I thought 7= June, not July. I had a brain lapse.
I love you guys. Thanks for the support! <3

I think that's going to be it for now.
